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Animal. — Lock the ends of the fingers, or place them end to end (not necessarily touching) and place hands, palm to breast ; move the hands outward and back following motion of chest in breathing. XVII, 323. Horse. — Place the "H" hands against the head, one on either side, pointing upward; work them backward and forward a few times, indicating the ears. XVII, 324. Mule, Donkey. — Same, but use the whole hand instead of the "H" hand, to indicate size of ears. Cow. — Make "horns" on the sides of the head with the "Y" hands. XVII, 325. Dog. — Pat the knee and snap the fingers as in calling a dog. Cat. — Place the closed "0" hands on the lip, one on either side of the mouth, and with thumbs and forefingers pull im- aginary "whiskers." XVII, 326. Sheep. — Using the right "V" hand as shears, lay the. fin- gers, backs down, on the upper side of the left forearm and work the "V" as shears, moving the fingers up the arm toward the elbow. XVII, 327. Hog, Pig. — Place the back of the open right hand under the chin with fingers pointing halfway between the left and the front and shake the end of the hand up and down. XVII, 328. Goat. — Place the back of the right "V" hand against the chin so the knuckles touch the end of the chin; quickly raise the right hand now and strike the backs of the fingers in the bent "V" against the forehead, then straighten out the fin- gers, bringing them upward and outward and throwing the hand away from the forehead. Bird.— With the knuckle of the forefinger of the "Gr" hand against the mouth and the finger pointing outward, bring the ends of the forefinger and thumb together to represent the bill, then work the bent arms as wings. XVII, 329. Chicken, specifically A Hen. — Make bill as above; then with the fingers of the bent "V" hand make scratching motion in the palm of the open left hand. Or,