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Note. The sign given usually (unless otherwise specified) indicates the country. To indicate the inhabitant or individual follow with the sign for"-er" as in occupations indicating the person, i. e., with the palms toward self draw them against the body. Nation. — Place the end of the fingers of the right "N" hand upon the back of the left "S" hand, withdraw them, describe a circle above the hand and let the fingers again rest on the left hand. XX, 363. America, signifying The Union. — With palms toward self, lock the ends of the fingers of the "5" hands so they are crossed, one above the other (like rails on a fence), and draw- ing the hands toward the left, swing them around the front in a semi-circle to the right side. XX, 364. Or, (2) With the right "A" hand, thumb up, describe a cir- cle on the back of the left hand. The United States. — Holding the " U " hand out give it a cir- cular motion and then follow with "S" in a similar motion. England. — Beach the right hand across the back of the left open hand and grasp the fleshy part of the hand (so the right palm rests on the back of the left hand) and draw it toward self. XX, 365. Scotland. — Bring the "5" hands up in front, palms toward self, the palm of the right hand resting against the back of the left in such a way that the fingers of both hands cross at an angle representing an "X;" let the hands drop away to- ward the sides. Note that the fingers Avhen thus held represent the plaid. XX, 366. (2) Place back of the extended right hand across the left arm; draw it across and then turning the hand over repeat, representing plaids on arm. Ireland. — With the right "V" hand at rest just above the back of the left "S" hand, describe a circle around it with the "V" and then bring the end of the "V" down on the baek of the left. XX, 367.