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This.—Simply point to an imaginary object near you. For "These" point to several imaginary objects.

That.—Point to a distant imaginary object, and for "Those" point to several. (See "That," demonstrative, above.)

Other.—Position of hand as in "A," thumb well up; with a motion including the whole forearm, describe a semicircle in the air with the end of the thumb. For the plural, repeat two or three times, or add sign for "many." II, 25.

Another.—Made in the same way, but "1" is sometimes added.

Few, Several.—Extend, or straighten the fingers of the right "A" hand one at a time, beginning with the forefinger.

Many—Double the fists in front of you, backs down; throw the fingers out and apart quickly. Repeat this motion two or three times.

More.—Hold the left hand with thumb and fingers gathered together at a point and the ends pointing upward; from the side lift the right hand, thumb and fingers gathered as in the left, and place it upon the left hand so that the ends of the fingers meet, those of one hand pointing up and those of the other down. II, 26. Or,

(2) Hold out open left hand, palm toward right; against, the palm throw the right "&" hand two or three times. Or,

(3) Make the sign for "many" and raise the right "A" hand higher than the left.

Most.—Make the sign for "many" or "more;" then the indication of the superlative with right "A" raised high above. II, 27.

All.—Bring the hands out easily, and after touching them at the forefingers, bring them around in a circle as if to include the whole. Commonly the left hand is at rest, held at a slight angle, and the right hand alone describes the circle coming to rest in the palm of the left hand. II, 28.

Divers, Various, to indicate Different Objects.—Place the ends of the forefingers, one above the other, nails up, and held at an angle of 45 degrees, and rest of the fingers and thumbs closed; bring the forefingers apart, giving them a shaking motion up and down.

One Another.—Hold the left "A" hand, thumb pointing up, and the right "A" hand, thumb pointing down; rotate the thumbs around each other. II, 30.