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Give up, Lose hope, Discouraged.—Hold the "A" hands in front, thumb toward thumb; lift the hands slowly, open them to position of "5" and simultaneously with the action draw the head and shoulders back somewhat. X, 212.

Surrender.—Hold hands same as above, but drop them and open to "5."

Abandon (throw aside).—Same position of hands, but throw them at the side as if casting something away.

Assume (to take hold of a project or business).—Reaching out both hands at the same time, make a grasping motion as if taking up something and lift the hands somewhat. At first the hands are open and they assume the "S" position as they are lifted. Add motion of lifting the burden upon the shoulders to indicate taking the responsibility.

Accuse (to "call," as when we "throw it at" one that one is so and so).—Pointing the "G" hand out, push it toward imaginary person with a "digging" or thrusting motion.

Note.—If the speaker is accused, the finger is turned toward self.

Connect with, Join to.—Holding the bent "5" hands out, draw them together joining the thumbs and forefingers like the link of a chain.

Disconnect, Part from.—With hands in position as at close of above sign, drop the hands apart.

Defend, Protect.—Hold the "S" hands out in front so the left shall be near the body with the thumb inside and the elbow elevated to the same level as the hand, the right in similar position but just beyond it on the outside; as soon as the hands are brought into position they are given a slight resisting motion outward. Sometimes the sign is completed by changing the right hand to open, and with palm out both hands, the right on outside, moved from left to right as if warding off danger. X, 213.

Rise (from a low to a high estate or condition.)—Hold the right "A" hand out rather low, thumb up, and gradually elevate it, giving it a shaking motion from the wrist without giving the arm any motion from side to side. X, 214.

Sink (to fall from a high to a low estate).—Reverse the motion above.

Rise, Appear (come up unexpectedly).—Holding the left open hand out in front, bring the right "G" hand under it