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Earn.—Holding the left open hand out, palm up, place the right "C" hand upon it and scrape it across the palm toward self. X, 217.

Save.—Hold hands somewhat close to self, repeat the motion above, then while turning palm of left hand toward self and making a pocket with it and the body, thrust the right "&" hand into it.

Spend.—Lay the back of the right "&" hand in the open left; push the right out across the left into position of "5."

Lie, Recline.—Lay the back of the right "V" hand in the palm of the open left. Sometimes the right hand is also drawn a little toward self.

Rest.—Fold the arms across the breast.

Aspire, Aim toward securing an object.—Place the end of the forefinger of the right hand at the side of the forehead just above the eye, and hold the left "G" hand out, forefinger pointing upward; bring the right forefinger away from the forehead and carry it to and strike the end of the left forefinger with its end. This also indicates purpose.

Fine, Charge.—Place the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand against the open left hand, palm up; draw the right hand away, crook the finger, and strike the end of the joint downward against the palm of the open left hand, now turned toward self, allowing the right hand to pass down past the left.

Tax.—Strike the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand in the upward turned palm of the open left several times.

Revive, Bring up something from the past.—Reach the hands back over the right shoulder and grasp imaginary object and drag it forward.

Hide.—Place the thumb of the right "A" hand against the mouth, then bring it down and place it under the left bent hand held in front, palm down; the left hand rests on the right at the end of the sign.

Seek, Investigate.—Move the right "C" hand in front of the face in a circle from right to left, keeping the "C" side toward the face; keep the motion continuous for a little while.

Depend.—Suspend the right "G" hand by the forefinger upon the edge of the left open hand, palm held toward self.

Suspend, Hang.—Crook the forefinger of the right "G" hand and make motion of hanging it on an imaginary nail.