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tery of Thy real presence; I believe it, because Thou who art truth itself hast said it. I believe it, and though it is wholly incomprehensible to reason, and impenetrable to human understanding, I submit my senses and my reason in the obedience of faith. Verily, Thou art a hidden God, the God of Israel, the Saviour.


WHO am I, O God of glory and Majesty! who am I that Thou shouldst deign even to look on my unworthiness? Whence this supreme happiness, this unbounded goodness, that Thou shouldst condescend to visit me? I am but a wretched sinner, more contemptible than nothingness itself, and yet I dare approach so holy a God, and partake of the bread of angels! Ah, Lord, I do not deserve this mark of Thy predilection, this additional proof of Thy tenderness and love. King of heaven, author and pre-