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The Way of the Cross, in its present form, was instituted by the Franciscans, who, for over six hundred years, have had charge of the sacred places in the Holy Land. They gradually introduced this touching devotion into the different countries all over the world. No special form of prayers is prescribed for this holy exercise: the essential part of it is to visit each of the fourteen stations, and mediate on the sufferings of Christ. The text of the following prayers is commonly used in Franciscan churches.


O most-merciful Jesus! With a contrite heart and penitent spirit I bow down in profound humility before Thy divine Majesty. I adore Thee as my supreme Lord and Master; I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee above all things. I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, my supreme and only God. I resolve to amend my life, and although I am unworthy to obtain mercy, yet the sight of Thy holy cross, on which Thou didst die, inspires me with hope and consola-