sake, to reward with eternal life all them that do us good. Amen.
Let us pray for the faithful departed.
Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Let them rest in peace. Amen.
For our absent brethren.
Save Thy servants, who hope in Thee, O my God.
Send them help, O Lord, from Thy holy place.
And defend them out of Sion.
O Lord, hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto Thee.
Let us pray.
O God, whose property is always to have mercy and to spare, receive our humble petition; that we, and all Thy servants who are bound by the chain of sins, may, by the compassion of Thy goodness, mercifully be absolved.
Graciously hear, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the prayers of Thy suppliants, and forgive the sins of them that confess to Thee: that in Thy bounty Thou mayest grant us both pardon and peace.