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that he wounds me with the very weapons with which he was to have been wounded himself.

Regard, O Lord, my humility and my toil, and pardon me all my faults through thy only-begotten Son, in whom thou art well pleased. Let me please thee in prayer as well as in deed, though, alas! there is much in it that is defective. But thou wilt not, O Holy Father, despise it, if thou look upon the face of thy Christ; for thou hast heaped upon him all the treasures of thy grace and bounty, that We might be rich through his abundance.

Confirm, O God, that which thou hast wrought in me; for I have sworn and determined to keep the judgments of thy justice. Make me to love thy commandments above gold and the topaz, that I may love thee, and be loved by thee, to all eternity. Amen.


Receive, O most merciful God, my dutiful service, through the intervention of the merits of thy only-begotten Son Christ Jesus, and also of the prayers of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, and of all thy Saints.

And if I have done anything worthy of praise, favourably regard it; and that which has been done negligently mercifully pardon. Who, in the perfection of the Trinity, livest and reignest, God, world without end. Amen.