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nourishment; he abides in the poor to excite our compassion, and to be fed by us in turn . Happy the man who gives alms to Jesus ! but wretched is he who refuses to assist him. Shall we feed our dog, and let Christ famish with hunger ?

2. What we give to the great ones of the earth may , in a great measure, be considered as forfeited ; but what we present to God is always attended with advantage. He gives it back with interest. He repays with liberality the crumbs which are given for his sake ; his rewards are laid up even for a cup of cold water. Play, luxury, and debauch have ruined innumerable families, but alms have impoverished none .

3. Men, at the day of judgment, shall be accountable for their alms ; but what answer can the unfeeling rich ones make when the poor shall accuse them ? when Jesus Christ himself shall reproach them with their insensibility ? “ Go, ye cursed, into eternal fire. I was hungry, and you gave me not to eat ; I was naked , and you did not clothe me," & c . A heart that is hard to the poor is the heart of a reprobate; but , on the contrary, a soul that is truly charitable is a soul acceptable. What can our Judge say against us when he shall see our clothes upon himself, when he shall see our bread and our money in his own hands ? We shall approach his awful tribunal with confidence, provided the poor be our advocates.

[ Consider seriously how you behave to the poor ; whether you treat them as members of Jesus Christ, by doing them all the good in your power .)

“ He gives interest to the Lord who has pity on the poor" (Prov. xix .).

“ Give unto all lest he whom you refuse should be Jesus Christ” ( St. Austin ).


1. Bad example has been the means of damning more souls than the preaching and good example of all the saints together have been the means to save .

2. Were the gates of hell to be laid open, scarcely would any one be found that would not say : " It is such or such a one that has damned me.”. O , what a reproach ! We are commanded to love our enemies ; why then should we destroy those souls which have never done us an injury ? A man who has been unfortunate enough to ruin souls , redeemed by the blood of a God , has much reason to fear for his salvation . What can we reasonably hope from Jesus Christ, after having torn from him what he so dearly purchased ? O fathers and mothers , who do not live as Christians ought to live , it were far better for your children that they had never been born ; you have given them life only to put them to death , that dreadful death which is eternal! when they shall require of you the heaven they have lost , what will you be able to answer them ?

3. Let us clothe ourselves with Jesus Christ, according to the words of the apostle : let his conduct, his virtues, and his spirit shine forth in us, so that he may be remembered when we are seen . We contribute not less to our neighbour's salvation