The Simple Life
small quantity. Large quantities cause acidity and give rise to gastric catarrh and indigestion. Sweet fruits, such as raisins and figs, honey and meltose or malt sugar, are natural and wholesome sweets and may be eaten freely.
17. A sedentary life tends to produce intestinal inactivity, that is, slow digestion and constipation; hence, the ordinary daily bill of fare should supply an adequate amount of laxative foodstuffs, fresh sweet fruits (not preserves), especially figs and prunes, acid fruits and fruit juices, fresh vegetables, bran, whole-grain preparations.
18. Some fresh, uncooked food should be eaten at each meal in the form of fresh fruits or fruit juices, lettuce, raw cabbage, cucumber and other salads.
19. Fresh vegetables and whole-grain cereals are needed to supply lime, potash and other salts. The blood and all living cells require these salts, as do the teeth and the bones. The free use of cane-sugar and meats leads to lime starvation, because of the deficiency in lime. Avoid white bread. Eat baked potatoes freely.
20. Avoid complicated dishes and great