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- 4. Picea morindoides.[1] Native country unknown.
- Buds and scales ovate-obtuse. Leaves linear, straight, slender, acuminate, terminating in a callous sharp tip, somewhat flattened and distinctly keeled on both sides, marked with two white lines on the upper surface, and dark bluish green on the under surface. Leaves radially spreading on the branchlets.
II. Young shoots pubescent with short hairs.
- 5. Picea Omorika. Servia and Bosnia.
- Pubescence brown. Buds ovate, conical, with outer scales ending in long subulate points. Leaves flattened but thick, obtuse or ending in a short point.
- 6. Picea Breweriana. Oregon, California.
- Pubescence grey. Buds ovoid, with outer scales ending in long points. Leaves scarcely flattened, but convex above and below, keeled on dorsal surface, with midrib prominent on ventral green surface, and ending in a short point. The leaves spread out in all directions on the shoot.
- ↑ A new species described by Rehder in Sargent, Trees and Shrubs, 95, t. 48 (1903). It is only known as a tree growing in the arboretum of G. Allard at Angers. I have seen no specimens and take the characters given above from Rehder. In habit it resembles Picea Morinda, the branches being pendulous. The cones resemble those of Picea Alcockiana.