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The Trees of Great Britain and Ireland

to the longer and terminal ones. Cones oblong-cylindrical, large, composed of numerous (about seventy) scales.

This section includes one species:—

1. Tsuga Pattoniana, Sénéclauze. Western North America.

II. Micropeuce, Spach, Hist. Vég. xi. 424 (1842), identical with Eutsuga, Engelmann, loc. cit. 120 (1880).

Leaves flat, grooved above, bearing stomata on the lower surface only, pectinately arranged on the branchlets, which are all in one plane. Cones ovoid, small, composed of few scales, rarely more than twenty-five.

This section comprises the remaining species, of which six are in cultivation in this country. These may be conveniently arranged as follows:—

A. Leaves serrulate in margin. Shoots pubescent.

2. Tsuga Canadensis, Carrière. Eastern North America.

Leaves, ⅓ to ⅔ inch long, usually tapering from the base to the acute or rounded apex; lower surface marked with two narrow well-defined white stomatic bands, the part of the leaf external to them being pure green in colour. Buds brown, ovoid, pointed, composed of pubescent, keeled acute scales.

3. Tsuga Albertiana, Sénéclauze. Western North America.

Leaves, ¼ to ¾ inch long, usually rounded at the apex and uniform in breadth; lower surface with two ill-defined broad white stomatic bands, which are indistinctly continued to the margins, there being no distinct bands of pure green. Buds greyish, ovoid, apex obtuse and flattened; scales keeled, pubescent.

4. Tsuga Brunoniana, Carrière. Himalayas.

Leaves, 1 to 1¼ inch long, gradually tapering from the base to the acute apex; lower surface silvery white, stomatic bands well-defined and extending almost to the margins. Buds globose, flattened on the top, surrounded at the base by a ring of modified leafy scales, the other scales ovate, acute, pubescent.

B. Leaves entire in margin. Shoots glabrous.

5. Tsuga Sieboldii, Carrière. Japan.

Leaves, ¼ to 1 inch long, oblong, rounded and notched at the apex, shining above; lower surface with two narrow well-defined white stomatic bands. Buds red, ovoid, slightly acute at the apex; scales glabrous and ciliate.

C. Leaves entire in margin. Shoots pubescent.

6. Tsuga diversifolia, Maximowicz. Japan.

Shoots pubescent, both on the leaf-bases and in the furrows between them. Leaves, ¼ to ½ inch long, oblong, rounded and notched at the apex; lower surface with two narrow well-defined white stomatic bands. Buds red, pyriform, flattened above; scales obtuse, minutely pubescent.

7. Tsuga Caroliniana, Engelmann. Southern Alleghany Mountains.

Shoots pubescent in the furrows between the leaf-bases, which are glabrous.