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able to behold the full glory of this abode of the blessed, and if you can not draw near to Him, the Eternal One, because He dwells “in the light inaccessible,” do not be discouraged, lift up your heart! For in the light of the bright ray which God will cause to shine upon you, you will be able to form at least some faint conception of the glories of the celestial city.

There in the brilliance of eternal glory, the Son of God sat at the right hand of His Father, not having as yet assumed the nature of man; in the fulness of time the Father sent Him into the world to become man and to die upon the cross. But why did He send His beloved Son to incur humiliation, suffering, and death?

6. Listen, wonder, and adore! He, the crucified, Himself gives the answer. He solves the problem worthy of a God, in the words which He formerly addressed to Nicodemus: “God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting’’ (John iii. 16).

Thus, again, it was charity which impelled God to an action neither heaven nor earth could possibly have foreseen, an action which would of itself have sufficed to justify the words of the apostle of love, ‘God is love !”’

Wherefore, my friend, strive to free your heart from all mere earthly or sinful affection. Lift up your heart to heaven! There alone is an object truly worthy of your love!

Love, all other love transcending,
Love from God’s own throne descending,
Blessings free that love unending
From the cross is ever sending.