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a mischievous one, which pervades the nation like some haunting ghost. Can this spirit, which teaches men to deny and withstand lawful authority, can it be overcome by force, by blood and iron? We see how this means is employed, alike in great and in petty States, but how unsatisfactory and short-lived are the results!

No, such means are futile. Faith, religion, constitutes the real power, the main source, whence for the individual and for the nation stability, prosperity, and happiness are derived. Keep this faith firmly rooted, ever alive within your heart.

XXXVII. Freedom

1. THIS word "freedom" is understood by many young people in a totally false sense, and frequently interpreted to their own destruction; hence it is that good, conscientious parents and zealous pastors of souls are in constant dread with regard to the young men of the rising generation.

You desire freedom, and you are not to be blamed for so doing. But do not confuse true freedom with absence of all restraint For this is for the most part fraught with dangers, and its results not unfrequently prove disastrous in the case of young people. I wish to warn you beforehand against these dangers and disastrous results by pointing out to you how you ought to employ your freedom, if you desire to be truly free.

2. How ought you to employ it? Listen