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from falling: he raiseth up the soul, and en» lighteneth the eyes, and giveth health, and life, and blessing " (Ecclus. xxxiv. 20).

XIV. The Table of the Lord

1.THE watchword of these modern times is progress. For instance, no one works any longer by the light of a candle or of a feeble oil lamp; we employ gas or the electric light; no one journeys to Rome on foot, but travels by railway. Progress ought also to reign in the domain of piety and holiness, progress in the use of the means of grace and sanctification. This applies more especially to young people. For in these modern times occasions of sin are so very numerous, dangers to morality so extremely threatening, the attractions and amusements of the world so bewitching, bad examples so enticing, that a young man can hardly be expected to resist them, if he is unwilling to do more than what is absolutely required of him — if he fails to go to confession and to receive holy communion frequently during the year. Let progress be your motto in this respect — progress in the more frequent reception of the sacraments. Draw near therefore to the Table of the Lord, in order that you may obtain light to perceive what you ought to do and strength to do the right; grace to avoid sin, and courage to walk persistently in the way of virtue and perfection!