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"Magna est Veritas et praevalebit!" "Truth is mighty and will prevail! "

Let no thought or word of guile
My heart and lips defile;
Upright thus in all my ways
God's goodness I will praise.

XLVII. Be Faithful to our friends

1.There is a love which ought to fill your youthful heart, dear reader, that love which is higher, nobler, more sublime than all which earth can offer; that love which restores to the heart the paradise it has lost, that love which comes from heaven and leads to heaven, a pure, holy, unending love - in a word, that true and supreme love which the chosen soul feels for God, her creator, her redeemer, the only worthy object of an all-embracing, all-surpassing love.

For this love is the heart of man created, and this love ought to inflame your soul.

2. But be on your guard! For sooner or later, with more or less force, another love will awaken within your breast, a love which, it is true, is not essentially evil, but which is not so elevating, so noble, so holy, a mere earthly love, the love of creatures. You must be very careful that this love should also come from God, be in accordance with the will of God, and be firmly rooted in God.

This applies to the love of one's friends. Let it be real and elevating, and, above all