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far more profitable than wearing even sharp chains or hair-shirts. It ought to be our principal object to conquer ourselves, and from day to day to go on increasing in spiritual strength and perfection."

4. Another barricade, a powerful obstacle against the entrance of the spirit of impurity, is industry, useful employment. Over and over again does daily experience teach the truth of the proverb: "Idleness is the beginning of every vice"; and it is very especially the beginning of the vice of impurity.

5. Therefore St- Jerome warns us: "Never let the devil find thee idle." The saint had experienced in his own person how great is the power of industry in repelling temptations. Buried in the desert, terribly emaciated by fasting and chastisement of his body, he felt none the less the sting of the flesh in the most humiliating manner.

Then he applied himself to an occupation so repulsive and tiresome, that only a will of iron, such as he possessed, could expect to carry it through. At last he was able to exclaim: " How grateful I feel to God that my labor and toil have finally helped me to attain the peace and consolation for which I longed!"

6. Therefore it is a fortunate thing for you, my friend, if you always have plenty of occupation, and have no time left to stand about idle, or to wander aimlessly hither and thither. Indeed, if this is your case, you must give thanks to God that it is so. Think of a spring; it is always clear, because the water is ever in motion. How thick and foul, on the contrary, is a stagnant pool or pond, whose waters are still and motionless. Therefore bar the way to your heart