Abstract of the Whole.
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No. of Families. Total passage, at ISI. each. Each Family H)' contributes. k 8 • II CA M £ • 8 a £ 1 ! i a « £ Remitted b> 1st Lol. Bemitied by Ist aod 2od Lot. . £ £ *. d. £ *. d. No. I. 108 20 20 68 2 66 37 13 lOi 28 6 If IL 32 12 12 8 2 6 — 6 P III. 52 14 14 24 2 22 7 10 9i 14 9 2f' IV. 66 16 16 34 2 32 22 12 3f 9 7 Si V. 92 18 80 18 80 56 190 2 10 54 180 30 3. 1 23 16 11 350 98 Oi SI 19 11 Total Sums Paid. Contributed Remitted Paid at Home Second remittance . . . . Adyance remitted to the Society Total £80 98 i 10 81 19 lU 80 £350
It will be observed that after the second remittance of 81l. 9s. 11¾d. the families would only have to remit in due proportions the 80l. advanced by the Society, and which, on an average; there being twenty-three adults, would only be for each 3l. 9s. 7d.
It may be also noticed, that men in general get in Australia, weekly, 10 lb. meat; 10 lb. flour; 2 lb. sugar, ¼ lb. tea, and a hut to live in. Women get their board and lodging, and a certain allowance of food is made to children.
Note. Applicants will not be called upon to pay in their contributions until the Society is in a position to arrange for their passages.
The necessity of breaking up Family Groups, as shewn in Group No. I., will only exist when parties pay only a small portion of their passage-money; but when Family Groups pay half their passage, then they may emigrate together. If an adult can pay £6, then the Society will advance him £6 as a Loan, which he will have to repay back to the Society within two years from the time of his arrival in the Colony, £12 for each adult is only an assumed rate, but it is hoped, with strict economy, and the exertions of a benevolent Society, that passages may be obtained for about this sum.
Parties desirous of further information can apply, ad interim, to Mrs. Chisholm, 3, Charlton Crescent, near the Angel Inn, Islington, London, if by letter, post paid, and a stamp enclosed for reply.
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! No. of Family Name. A.ge. Relation- sliip. 1 Male. Female. Marri- ed or singl'i Place or Residence. Occapa- tiOD. Can contribute towards their Passage. References. i I I i I 1