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Answer. Against.Thus said I not, but thus I said, and say with protestation put before: That no man ought to curse any man, but for charity and with charitie. '{{lang|la|Omnia vestra cum charitate fiant.' And sikerly I say, that no wrongfull cursing of pope or any prelate in earth, bindes anenst God, but when they wrongfully and wittinglie cursen men, for that men will not do their singular will, vnreasonable bidding, with highnes of heart and crueltie (standing patience and charity in them that they cursen wrongfully), he is blessed of Almightie God, and they themselfe bene cursed. Math. 5. 'Beati eritis cum maledixerint homines,' &c. Et in Psalmo: 'Maledicent illi, et tu benedices.' Et Augustinus, xi. quest. 3. chap. 'Illud.'

6. Conclusion.The sixt conclusion is this, that friers and priestes putten vpon me falselie: That each priest may assoile him that sinneth, contrition had: and notwithstanding forbiddings of ye bishop, is holden[1] to preach to the people the gospell.

Answer.Thus I saide not, but thus I said, and yet say with protestation made before: That each true priest may counsell sinnefull men, that shewen to him her sinnes after the witte and cunning that God had giuen him, to turne fro sinne to vertuous life. And as touching preaching of the gospel, I say that no bishop owes to let a true priest, that God had giuen grace, wit, and cunning to doe that office: for both priestes and deacons, that God had ordained deacons and priestes, ben holden by power giuen hem of God to preach to the people the gospel, and namelie and somelie, popes, bishops, prelates, and curates: for this is due to the people and parochiens, for to haue and aske of hem, and they duely and freely owen to done it. Math. 5. Luke 5. 'Ite, ecce ego mitto vos.' Et Marc. 16. 'Euntes in nundum vniuersum.' Et Math. 5. 'Euntes autem prædicate.' Et dist. 21. ca. 'In nouo testamento.' Et Ysidor. 'De summo bono.' 44. Et Chrysost. distinct. 34. ca. 'Nolite.' Et Aug. distinct. 34, ca. 'Quisquis.' Et Greg, in suo pastorali, ca. 38. Et in Tollitano. ca. 'Ignorantia.' Et Ierom. distinct. 95. ca. 'Ecce Ego.'

7. Conclusion.The 7. conclusion is this, that friers and priestes falsly putten vppon me: That a priest taking anie thing for annuell, through couenant: in that, he is schismaticke and cursed.

Answer.This said I, neuer in these termes; but thus I said, and yet say with protestation put before: That no priestes owes to sell, by bargaining and couenant, his ghostlie trauaile, ne his masses, ne his praiers, ne God's worde, ne hallowinges, baptisme, ne confirming, order giuing, for weddinges, for shrifte, for housell, or for ennointing: any worldly mens reward to aske or take for these or for anie of these, or for ianie ghostlie thing, he erres and doth simonie: ut patet 1. quest. 2. ca. 'Nullus;' et ex concilio Triburenti. capit. 'Dictum est;' et Christus, in Euangelio: Vendentes et ementes eiecit de templo. Math. 22.

8. Conclusion.The viii. concluson is this, that friers and priestes putten vnto me falsly, saying that I beleeue sadly as my sell sayes: That yche priest being in deadly sinne, yef he put him to make Christes bodie, rather he dos idolatrie then makes it.

Answer.Thus saide I not, but thus I said, and yet say with a protestation put before: That vhat priest ye puts himself preεumptuously and vnworthelie in deadlie sinne, wittingly to minister and to receiue that holie sacrament, and so recordes hit cursedlie and damnably, he receiues his dome: '{{lang|la|Qui manducat et bibit indignè, indicium sibi manducat et bibit.' 1. Corin. 11.

9. Conclusion.The ix. conclusion is this, that friers and priestes falsly putten vppon me: That no priestes entres into anie house but euill for to treate the wife, the daughter, or the wenche: and therefore they sayden, that I prayed the people that their husbands should beware, that they suffer no priest to enter into her house.

Answer.And if I had said thus, then I had praied against my selfe, for I come oft into mens houses: but thus I said, and yet I doe, praying christen men to beware that they nourish nor maintaine no lecherous priestes in their sinnes: for there be vhere (as men wel knowen) they ben maintained in manie places, continuing homelie with her women. And iche man there sayne they paine therefore a certaine to the B. almes. Et ideo ait Ysido. 11. quest. 4. 'Qui consentit peccantibus et defendit alium delinquentem, maledictus erit apud Deum et homines.'

10. Conclusion.The X. conclusion is this, that friers and priestes putten uppon me falslie:
  1. "Holden," that is, bound.