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Page:The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe Volume 3.djvu/143

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out of deadlie sinne as was saint Peter, to whoine our Lorde gaue power of binding and vnbinding.[1]

Answer.I neuer thought this ne spake this, ne heard it to the time that I saw it written in our booke, and that will witnesse the lord of the towne that has the same sermon written, and many gentils and other that hearden me that daie; but thus I said, and thus I saie with protestation put before: The pope's binding how far it extendeth.That there is no man, pope ne bishoppe, prelate ne curate, that bindes soothlie, verilie and ghostly, but in as much as his binding or vnbinding accordes with the keyes of heauen that God gaue to Peter; and, as S. Gregorie saies, 'That power han they onlie, that hold together the ensample of the apostles with heere teaching.' 'Illi soli in hac earne positi ligandi atque soluendi potestatem habent, sicut sancti apostoli qui eorum exempla simul cum doctrina tenent.'[2]

2. Article. And what if he had said it.The seconde article that is put vpon me, is this: That I should haue saide, preached, and affirmed, in manie places, before many true men of Christ: that after the sacramentall wordes saide of the priest, hauing intention of consecration, that in the sacrament of Gods bodie, is not verie Gods bodie.

Answer.This saide I neuer, God wote, and true men that haue heard me.

3. Article.The third article is this, that our bishop put vpon me: That I should haue said in many places, and affirmed, that accidents mow not be in the sacrament of the aultar without subiect, and that materiall bread leues not there with Gods bodie in the same sacrament.

Answer.This conclusion I haue not holden, ne taught, ne preached, for I haue not medled me of that matter; my wit sufficeth not thereto. But here I tell my beleefe with protestation put before: that the sacrament of the aultar made 2. Bread and Christ's body in the sacrament.by vertue of heauenly words, that Christ himselfe said in the Cene, when hee made this sacrament, that it is bread and Christs bodie, so as Christ himselfe saies in the gospell, and S. Paule saies, and as doctors in the common law haue determined to this sentence. Mat. 26. Mar. 14. Luc. 22. Pa. 1. Cor. 10. et 11. De consecr. distinct. 2. 'Panis:' et De consecr. dist. 2. 'Corpus.' Io. 6. 'Verus panis.'

4. Article.The fourth article is this, that our bishop accuseth mee of: That I should haue preached about and said: that a priest being in deadlie sinne, may not, by the strength of the sacramentall wordes, make Gods bodie, or none other sacrament of the church, either performe to minister them to members of the same.

Answer. The wickedness of the priest impaireth no sacrament.Thus I neuer said, thought it, preached it, ne taught it; for well I wot, the wickednesse of a priest may appaire no verie sacrament: but the wickednesse of the prieste appaires himselfen, and all that boldnesse and example of his sinne causen the people to liuen the worse against Gods law. Vnde Greg. 'Et si sacerdos in peccatis fuerit, totus populus ad peccandum conuertitur.'

5. Article.The 5. article is this, that our bishop puts unto me: That all priests ben of euen power in al things, notwithstanding that some of this world bene of higher dignitie or more passing in highnesse of degree.

Answer. Equality of priests.Certes no man would say thus as I suppose, no more did I, ne neuer heard it that I wot of: but this I say with protestation made before, that what priest liues most holilie, next following the law of God, he is most louer of God, and most profitable to the church. If men speaken of wordlie power and lordships and worships, with other vices that raignen therein, what priest that desires and has most hereof (in what degree so he be), he is most Antichrist of all the priests that ben in earth. Vnde Augustinus, ad Valerium scribens, ait: 'Nihil est in hac vita, et maximè hoc tempore facilius et leuius, et hominibus acceptabilius, episcopi, presbiteri aut decani officiis: sed si perfunctoriè aut adulatoriè, nihil apud Deum miserabilius aut tristius et damnabilius.'

6. Article.The sixt article is this: That onlie contrition does away sin, if a man be duelie contrite: and all outward confession by word is superfluous and not requiret of need of health.

Answer.This conclusion said I neuer that I know of. But thus I say with protestation put before: That veray contrition of heart, that is neuer without charitie and grace, dos away all sinnes before done of that man that is verilie contrite. Confession.And all true confession made by mouth outward to a wise priest, and a good, profiteth much to man, and is needfull and helping that men shewe their life
  1. Note here how the papists use falsely to wrestle good men’s sayings and articles.
  2. Greg. lib. iv. Sententiarum.