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saith, 'All friends and all enemies, all kinsfolks and adversaries, all of one household, and no peace-makers; they are the ministers of Christ, and serve Antichrist; they go honourably honoured with the goods of the Lord, and yet they do honour,' &c.

Seventh article.

The pope doing ungodly, is not to be feared.

The seventh article: 'The power of the pope who doth not follow Christ, is not to be feared.' Answer: It is not so in my treatise, but, contrariwise, that the subjects are bound willingly and gladly to obey the virtuous and good rulers; and also those who are wicked and evil. But, notwithstanding, if the pope do abuse his power, it is not then to be feared as by bondage. And so the lords the cardinals, as I suppose, did not fear the power of Gregory XII., before his deposition, when they resisted him, saying, that he did abuse his power, contrary unto his own oath.

Eighth article.The eighth article: 'An evil and wicked pope is not the successor of Peter, but of Judas.' Answer: I wrote thus in my treatise; 'If the pope be humble and meek, neglecting and despising the honours and lucre of the world; if he be a shepherd, taking his name by the feeding of the flock of God (of which feeding the Lord speaketh, saying. Feed my sheep); if he feed the sheep with the word, and with virtuous example, and become even like his flock with his whole heart and mind; if he do diligently and carefully labour and travail for the church, then is he, without doubt, the true vicar of Christ. The pope doing contrary to Christ, is not the vicar of Christ, but Antichrist.But if he walk contrary unto these virtues, forasmuch as there is no society between Christ and Belial, and Christ himself saith. He that is not with me, is against me: how is he then the true vicar of Christ or Peter, and not rather the vicar of Antichrist? Christ called Peter himself, Satanas, when he did contrary him but only in one word, and that with a good affection; even him whom he had chosen his vicar, and specially appointed over his church. Why then should not any other, being more contrary to Christ, be truly called Satanas, and consequently Antichrist, or at least the chief and principal minister or vicar of Antichrist? There be infinite testimonies of this matter in St. Augustine, Jerome, Cyprian, Chrysostome, Bernard, Gregory, Remigius, and Ambrose,' &c.

Ninth article.The ninth article: 'The pope is the same beast of whom it is spoken in the Apocalypse, 'Power is given unto him to make war upon the saints.' Answer: I deny this article to be in my book.[1]

Tenth article. To preach against the pope's commandment.The tenth article: 'It is lawful to preach notwithstanding the pope's inhibition.' Answer: The article is evident, forasmuch as the apostles did preach contrary to the commandment of the bishops of Jerusalem. And St. Hilary did the like, contrary to the commandment of the pope, who was an Arian. It is also manifest by the example of cardinals, who, contrary to the commandment of pope Gregory XII., sent throughout all realms such as should preach against him. It is also lawful to preach under appeal, contrary unto the pope's commandment. And finally, he may preach who hath the commandment of God, whereunto he ought chiefly to obey.

Eleventh article.The eleventh article: 'If the pope's commandment be not concordant and agreeable with the doctrine of the gospel or the apostles, it is not to be obeyed.' Answer: I have thus written in my book; 'The faithful disciple of Christ ought to weigh and consider, whether the pope's commandment be expressly and plainly the commandment of Christ or any of his apostles, or whether it have any foundation or ground in their doctrine or no; and that being once known or understood, he ought reverently and humbly to obey the same. How far prelates are to be obeyed.But if he do certainly know that the pope's commandment is contrary and against the holy Scripture, and hurtful unto the church, then he ought boldly to resist against it, that he be not partaker of the crime and oftence by consenting thereunto.' This I have handled at large in my treatise, and have confirmed it by the authorities of Augustine, Jerome, Gregory, Chrysostome, Bernard and Bede, and with the holy Scripture and canons, which for brevity's cause I do here pass over. I will only rehearse the saying of St. Isodore, who writeth thus: 'He who doth ride, and doth say or command any thing contrary and beside the will of God, or that which is evidently commanded in the Scriptures, he is honoured as a false witness of God, and a church-robber.' Whereupon we are bound to obey no prelate, but in such case as he do command or take counsel of the counsels and commandments of Christ. Likewise St. Augustine upon this saying, upon the chair of Moses, &c. saith: Secondly, they teach
  1. John Huss need not prove this article, the pope will prove it himself.