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was required by the Bohemians, That if it were possible the emperor should be present at the council.

This convention at Egra, continued twenty-one days. But the Bohemians, albeit they heard the council's ambassadors make great promises, yet did they not fully give credit unto them. The Bohemians send two ambassadors.Whereupon they chose out two ambassadors, Nicholas Humgolizius, and John Zaezenses, who should go to Basil, and diligently inquire out all things. These men, Conrad, bishop of Ratisbon, and Conrad Seglaver, dean of Estein, brought unto Cattelspurg, where the marquis dwelt, being sent out by the synod a little before, to inquire whether the Bohemian ambassadors would come or not. When they were come to Biberack, one being over curious, inquired of one of the Bohemian ambassadors, of what county he was. He answered that he was a Zaczen. Good justice upon a slanderous railer. Gentleness of the Bohemian ambassadors."There," said he, "are most execrable heretics and naughty men," &c.; who, for that slanderous word, as a breaker of the truce, was straightway carried to prison, and there should have suffered more punishment, if the Bohemian ambassadors, and the abbot ot Ebera, had not entreated for him. When they came to Basil, they were honourably received with wine and fish: they tarried there five days and a half. The tenth day of October they came unto the synod, which was assembled at the friars Augustine.

The ambassadors of the Bohemians return home.These ambassadors, when they were returned home with the charter of the synod, and declared those things which they had seen, and that the matter was earnestly handled without fraud or deceit; there were ambassadors chosen to be sent unto the council, both for the kingdom of Bohemia, and the marquisdom of Moravia, who coming unto Tusca, were brought from thence with thirty-two horse, and divers noblemen, unto Chambia. The Bohemians send up other solemn ambassadors.From thence they came to Swenkendorph, and so unto Nuremberg, where, beside their entertainment of wine and fish, twenty-two horsemen accompanied them unto Ulm; from thence they of Ulm brought them unto Biberack and Sulgotia, where James Tunches, a knight, receiving them, brought them to Stockacum, and from thence the bands of the duke of Bavaria brought them unto Schaffhausen. There they, taking ship the 4th of January, came to Basil the 9th of the same month. What were the names of these ambassadors of the Bohemians, who were brought up with three hundred horse, and how they were received at Basil, mention is made before. Oration of the cardinal Julian.When they came unto the synod, cardinal Julian made an oration, That whatsoever was in any place in cloubt, the same ought to be determined by the authority of the council, forasmuch as all men are bound to submit themselves to the judgment of the holy church, which the general council doth represent.—Which oration was not allowed of all the Bohemians.

Three articles of the Bohemians.Then Rochezanus made an oration, requiring to have a day appointed when they should be heard, which was appointed the 16th day of the same month; upon which day John Rochezanus, having made his preface, began to propound the first article, touching the communion to be ministered under both kinds, and disputed upon the same by the space of three days, always before noon. Then Wenceslaus, the Taborite, disputed upon the second article, touching the correction and punishing of sin, by the space of two days.