Dr. E. A, Williams, Editor Journal of the Lodge.
The Journal of the Lodge is the official organ of the (colored) Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, and has been adopted as the official organ of the Grand Lodge of Masons of the state of Louisiana. It is edited by Dr. E. A. Williams, the Supreme Chancellor of the order, and Grand Secretary and Grand Recorder of Masonry and Knights Templar of Louisiana. Its columns are devoted exclusively to secret societies, and it is especially the organ for which it was founded. Its circulation is now over three thousand. Its first issue by Dr. Williams was under adverse circumstances. It has just entered upon its third volume, and is now upon a solid basis, with sufficient capital to make it a permanent journal.
Prof. Daniel Webster Davis, Editor Young Men's Friend.
When the history of the country and the present achievements of the Afro-American are written, it will be seen that the young men identified with this race have not been inactive. It will be observed that they have performed the part assigned them in the race of life with courage and fidelity. Upon the shoulders of the young Afro-American, man or woman, devolves the solving of the question, commonly called the Negro (Afro-American) Problem. In any walk of life, the young man or woman striving to do his part in making the race a respected one, must necessarily meet with trials and discouragements. It will be the man or woman who surmounts them and contends for intellectual, moral, and social preferment, that must be great. Are there any thus contending? if so, let history record his