Mrs. M. E. Lambert of Detroit, Mich., edited for some time St. Matthew's Lyceum Gazette. Mrs. Lambert is a clever gatherer of news and a pleasing writer.
Mrs. M. S. Crary was, for a long time, editor of The Provincial Freeman of Canada, which was considered a good journal.
Miss Clanton of Chattanooga, Miss Lewis of Philadelphia, Mrs. F. J. Coppin of Philadelphia, Miss Mason and Mrs. Frank Grimcke of Washington, D. C, in common with others, have done good work in journalism, either as reporter, contributor or regular correspondent.
There are at present distinctive departments for women in The Afro-American Budget and The Southland, the former being edited by Adah M. Taylor, and the latter by Mrs. A. G. Cooper. These ladies are showing remarkable activity and adaptiveness to the work. The A. M. E. Review always contains articles from various of our lady writers, while the newspapers are constantly presenting to their readers some contributions from our women whose talent is being recognized. With them, there is nothing in the past that warrants any reason for discouragement for a profitable and useful life in this department of labor.