People's Protector, The, 366.
portrait of, 146.
editorial, 147.
editor Monitor, 110.
Philadelphia Echo, The, 405.
Philadelphia Sentinel, 221, 355.
Philadelphia Tribune, The, 145.
Pilot, The, 253.
opinion of, 454.
portrait of, 455.
Pine and Palm, The, 232.
Pinn, T. B, pub. People's Advocate, 156.
Planet, The, 318.
Powell, Wm. J., asso. editor Elevator, 95.
Powell, Mr., editor Boston Advocate, 382
portrait of, 125.
opinion of, 459.
Print, John W., 30.
Progressive American, The, 111, 322, 344, 366.
Progressive Educator, The, 343.
Provincial Freeman, The, 427.
Public Educator, The, 188.
Public Ledger, The, 130.
as a writer, 74.
Radical, The, 314.
Raines, George, friendly words, 504.
Raleigh News, The, 500.
Ram's Horn, The, 63.
Ransom, R. C, editor Spokesman, 148.
reputation as a journalist, 47.
portrait of, 97.
Raymond, R. J., treas. associated correspondents, 548.
Haytian emigration movement, 86.
editor Pine and Palm, 232.
Reed City Clarion, The, 346.
portrait of, 207.
Reese. D. M., colonizationist, 59.
Religious Herald, The, 167.
Remond, John 71.
Richardson, Geo. H., editor People's Advocate, 157.
Richmond Planet, The, 183.
Richmond Rankin Institute, 405.
Richmond Star, The, 344.
Right Way, The, 178.
Rights of All, 26.
Rising Sun, The, 33, 75.
Roberts N. F., 210.
portrait of, 152.
social position, 152.
established Virginia Post, 153.
established National Leader, 153.
later honors, 154.
editor Industrial Day, 366.
portrait of, 553.
reply to D. M. Reese, 59.
editor Mirror of Liberty, 118.
Rumor, The, 134.
Russell, J., Jr., 202
portrait of, 269.
editor Freedom's Journal, 26.
sent to Africa, 31.
Ryder, W. P., 232.
St. Louis Tribune, 344.
St. Matthew's Lyceum Gazette, 427.
Samaritan Journal, The, 305.
editor Colored Citizen, 90.
San Antonio Express, The, 500.
San Francisco Sentinel, The, 320.
Saunders, D. J., editor Afro-American Presbyterian, 299.
opinion of, 431.
portrait of, 433.
tribute of Indianapolis Journal 497.
portrait of, 129.
Sears, Robert, pub. Advocate, 32.
portrait of, 465.
portrait of, 103,
eminence as a writer, 104.
tributes to ability, 122.
portrait of, 123.
Simpson, Chas. W., 214.
Simpson, Wm. F., editor Echo, 213.
Smith, E. E., 182.
portrait of, 281.
Smith, H. L, managing editor Boston Leader, 360.
portrait of, 65