Page:The Air Force Role In Developing International Outer Space Law (Terrill, 1999).djvu/32

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assigned as the working group for this effort. With the Air Force concurring, the ACC encouraged US compliance with all ICAO recommendations except when, among other reasons, the implementation would be detrimental to the national interest.[1] Until November 1949, the Air Force and Navy had individual service representation on the Legal Subcommittee. At that time single military representation became desirable and an assistant general counsel became the Department of Defense (DOD) member on the subcommittee.[2] While formal membership of the military services on the subcommittee ended, they did not cease active participation in the Legal Subcommittee.

Robert A. Lovett, Assistant Secretary of War for Air

The importance attached to being an active participant of the ACC isdemonstrated by the effort the military services exerted to maintain an active presence at the ACC. In addition to its departmental or secretarial level (Department of the Air Force) representation on the ACC, the Air Force had a staff liaison officer to the ACC. The Air Force also retainedmembership on the ACC Subcommittees on General ICAO Matters andon the Chicago Convention. In 1952 the Air Force had regained service membership on the Legal Division. However, within the Air Force therewas divisiveness regarding its representation at the ACC. Members of theAir Staff had become restive over not receiving adequate coordination from the ACC on issues of importance to the Air Staff. Officials recounted that the Air Force liaison officer had given up membership on

  1. Lt Col A. S. Raudabaugh to Col W. Bryte, memorandum, subject: US Matters-General Policy for US Compliance with and Implementation of the Convention and ICAO Decisions Thereunder, Reaffirmation of ACC 52/13, SPM 13 Amended, 4 February 1948.
  2. Lt Col Thomas C. Hollick, assistant executive, DCS/Plans and Operations, to Orders Section, Air Adjutant General, memorandum, subject: Reorganization of the Air Coordinating Committee, 1 December 1949.