Page:The Allies Fairy Book.djvu/180

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old woman cried: “If that is so, you must go among the wolves!”

When it grew dark again the king’s son mounted the mare and rode out to the field, and the foal galloped by the side of the mare. Again he sat still on the mare’s back until about midnight, when he grew very sleepy and fell into a slumber, as on the former evenings, and when he awoke he found himself riding on the rail, holding the bridle in his hand, just as before. Then, as before, he went in a hurry to look after the mare. As he went he remembered the words the old woman had said to the mare, and took the wolf’s hair from the handkerchief and rubbed it a little. Then the wolf came up to him and asked: “What is the matter, half-brother?” And he answered: “The old woman’s mare has run away, and I cannot tell where she is.” The wolf said: “Here she is with us; she has turned herself into a wolf and the foal into a wolf’s cub. Strike once with the bridle on the earth and cry out: ‘ Heigh! old woman’s mare! ’” And the king’s son did so, and instantly the mare came again and stood with the foal beside him. So he bridled her, and galloped home, and the foal followed. When he arrived the old woman gave him his breakfast, but she led the mare into the stable and beat her with the poker, crying: “To the wolves, I said, miserable one!” Then the mare answered: “I have been to the wolves; but they are his friends, and told him all about me!” Then the old woman came out of the stable, and the king’s son said to her: “Eh! grandmother, I have served you honestly; now give me what you promised me.” And the old woman answered: “My son, what is promised must be fulfilled. So look here: here are the twelve horses, choose which you like!” And the prince said: “Why should I be too particular? Give me only that leprous horse in the corner! Fine horses are not fitting for me! But the old woman tried to persuade him to choose another horse, saying: “How