Page:The Allies Fairy Book.djvu/182

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BelgianUlenspiegel and his wife Nele, always young, strong, and beautiful, since love and the spirit of Flanders never grow old, lived peacefully in the Tower of Neere, waiting for the wind of liberty to rise, after so much cruel suffering, and blow upon the land of Belgium.

Ulenspiegel had begged to be appointed commandant and keeper of the Tower, saying that as he had the eyes of an eagle and the ears of a hare, he would be able to see if the Spaniard should attempt to reappear in the liberated provinces, and then he would sound the “wacharm,” which in the Flemish tongue means the alarm.

The magistrate granted his request, and for the good service he had done he was given a florin a day, two pints of beer, beans, cheese, biscuit, and three pounds of meat a week.

Thus Ulenspiegel and Nele lived in ease together; seeing afar with great joy the liberated islands of Zeeland, meadows,