Page:The Ambassadors (London, Methuen & Co., 1903).djvu/471

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F. C. Boon, B.A. A COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY OF FOREIGN NATIONS. Crown 8vo. 2s.[Commercial Series.
George Borrow. LAVENGRO. Edited by F. Hindes Groome. Two Volumes. Pott 8vo. Each volume, cloth, 1s. 6d. net; leather, 2s. 6d. net.[Little Library.
ROMANY RYE. With Notes and an Introduction by John Sampson. Pott 8vo. Cloth, 1s. 6d. net; leather, 2s. 6d. net.[Little Library.
J. Ritzema Bos. AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY. Translated by J. R. Ainsworth Davis, M.A. With an Introduction by Eleanor A. Ormerod, F.E.S. With 155 Illustrations. Cr. 8vo. 3s. 6d.
C. G. Botting, B.A. JUNIOR LATIN EXAMINATION PAPERS. Fcap. 8vo. 1s.[Junior Examination Series.
E. M. Bowden. THE EXAMPLE OF BUDDHA: Being Quotations from Buddhist Literature for each Day in the Year. Third Edition. 16mo. 2s. 6d.
E. Bowmaker. THE HOUSING OF THE WORKING CLASSES. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d.[Social Questions Series.
F. G. Brabant, M.A. SUSSEX. Illustrated by E. H. New. Pott 8vo. Cloth, 3s.; leather, 3s. 6d. net.[Little Guides.

'A charming little book; as full of sound information as it is practical in conception.'—Athenæum.

THE ENGLISH LAKES. Illustrated by E. H. New. Pott 8vo. Cloth, 4s.; leather, 4s. 6d. net.[Little Guides.
Miss M. Brodrick and Miss Anderson Morton. A CONCISE HANDBOOK OF EGYPTIAN ARCHÆOLOGY. With many Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d.
E. W. BROOKS. See F. J. Hamilton.
C. L. Brownell. THE HEART OF JAPAN. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. 6s.

'These lively pages are full of portraits from the life.'—Morning Post.

'It is the work of one who has lived in Japan among the people.'—Athenæum.

'A more readable and interesting book about Japan has not been written.'—Scotsman.

Robert Browning. SELECTIONS FROM THE EARLY POEMS OF. With Introduction and Notes by W. Hall Griffin. Pott 8vo. 1s. 6d. net.; leather, 2s. 6d. net.[Little Library.
O. Browning, M.A. A SHORT HISTORY OF MEDIÆVAL ITALY, A.D. 1250-1530. In Two Volumes. Crown 8vo. 5s. each.
VOL. I. 1250–1409.—Guelphs and Ghibellines.
VOL. II. 1409–1530. The Age of the Condottieri.
J. Buchan. See Isaak Walton.
Miss Bulley. See Lady Dilke.
John Bunyan. THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Edited, with an Introduction, by C. H. Firth, M.A. With 39 Illustrations by R. Anning Bell. Cr. 8vo. 6s.

'The best "Pilgrim's Progress."'—Educational Times.

GRACE ABOUNDING. Edited by C. S. Freer, M.A. Pott 8vo. Cloth, 2s.; leather, 2s. 6d. net.[Library of Devotion.
G. J. Burch, M.A., F.R.S. A MANUAL OF ELECTRICAL SCIENCE. With numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3s.[University Extension Series.
Gelett Burgess. GOOPS AND HOW TO BE THEM. With numerous Illustrations. Small 4to. 6s.
A. E. Burn, B.D., Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Lichfield. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF THE CREEDS. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6d.[Handbooks of Theology.

'This book may be expected to hold its place as an authority on its subject.'—Spectator.

See also Bishop Wilson.

J. H. Burn, B.D., F.R.S.E. A MANUAL OF CONSOLATION FROM THE SAINTS AND FATHERS. Pott 8vo. Cloth, 2s.; leather, 2s. 6d. net.[Library of Devotion.
Robert Burns, THE POEMS OF. Edited by Andrew Lang and W. A. Craigie. With Portrait. Second Edition. Demy 8vo, gilt top. 6s.
J. B. Bury, LL.D. See Gibbon.
Alfred Caldecott, D.D. THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6d.[Handbooks of Theology.

'A lucid and informative account, which certainly deserves a place in every philosophical library.'—Scotsman.

D. S. Calderwood, Headmaster of the Normal School, Edinburgh. TEST CARDS IN EUCLID AND ALGEBRA. In three packets of 40, with Answers, 1s. each. Or in three Books, price 2d., 2d., and 3d.
E. F. H. Capey. THE LIFE OF ERASMUS. With 12 Illustrations. Cloth, 3s. 6d. net; leather, 4s. net.[Little Biographies.
Thomas Carlyle. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Edited by C. R. L. Fletcher, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Three Volumes. Crown 8vo. 6s. each.[Standard Library.
THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF OLIVER CROMWELL. With an Introduction by C. H. Firth, M.A., and Notes and Appendices by Mrs. S. C. LOMAS. Three Volumes. Crown 8vo. 6s. each.[Standard Library.