554 ANTHEACITE TABLE OF ANTHRACITE PBODTTCTION IN PENNSYLVANIA. (From Barman and Bamsey's " Coal Trade Statistical Begister. 1 ') TEARS. Schaylkill. Wyoming and Lackawanua. Lehigh. Lykens Valley. Sbainokin. Trevorton* Aggwgau. 1820 1821 865 1,078 866 1,078 1822 1,480 1 128 6,828 8,720 6,951 15C7 9,641 11,108 6,500 28,893
- )-! y.i3
16767 81,280 48,047 81360 82,074 63484 47284 80,232 77516 79978 7,000 25,110 112088 1S30 186,059 89,984 7,000 48,000 n;r,.i:ii 41,750 859,190 174,784 81,854 64.000 40,966 176,820 1832 209,271 84,600 70,000 863871 1838 252,971 111.777 128,000 487.748 1834 226,692 43,700 106,244 876636 1885 889,508 90,000 181,250 M) 7.>t 1886 432,045 108 861 148,211 684117 183T 528,152 115,887 228,902 662441 1883 483,875 78,207 218,615 725 697 1889 442,603 122,300 221,025 11,936 7'.' 7 *63 1840 8,218,019 452,21)1 844,882 148,470 1,819,963 225,818 11,980 15,505 6,210,685 "-! .v-4 1S41 685,542 192.270 143,1187 21,468 932.312 1842 &41,504 262,699 272,646 10,000 1 076,649 1843 677,812 285,606 267,798 10,000 1240 710 1S44 840,373 KlVO'Il 877,002 18,087 1,596,458 1845 1,083,796 461,886 429,458 10,000 1975,085 1846 1,286,582 618,889 517,116 12,572 2,284,659 1S47 1,588,874 688,067 G33.:.i 17 14,904 2 814,852 1848 1,652,885 686,196 I'M' I,-'!'-' 1 19,856 8,027,708 1849 1,605,126 782,910 781,656 26,826 19,650 8,164,661 1850... 10,258,740 1,712,007 4,216,263 827,828 4,817,749 690.456 25,826 87,768 146,987 19,921 18,954,678 8,287,970 1851 2,229,426 1,156,167 964,224 M "IK) 24,899 4,428,916 1852 2,450,950 1,284,500 1,072,186 ...07 25,846 4,898,289 1858 2,470,948 1,475,782 1,054,809 69,007 15,500 6,086,891 1854 2.896,208 1,608 478 1,207,186 107500 8BLBN 6,876 872 1855 8,818,565 1,771,511 1,284,118 117,221 116,117 6,607,517 1856 8,258.856 1,972,681 1,861,970 102926 210,618 78,112 6 896,861 Ib57 2.985,641 1,962,603 1,818.641 121.739 21KVM7 110,711 6,644,941 1853 2,666,449 2,186,094 1,880,080 127 815 242,679 106,686 6,802,967 1859 8,004,953 2,781 286 1,628,811 188 712 805,048 124,290 7808,265 I860 27,192,888 8,270,516 16,961,725 2 941,817 11,951,276 1,821,674 986,770 178 S60 1,291,040 800,256 414,799 90,148 58.888,469 8,518,128 1S61 2,697,489 8,056,140 1,788^77 172,880 290,928 49,477 7,954,814 1862 2,890,693 8,145,770 1,861,064 177 121 864,865 (M.--".':i 7,869,408 1868 8,488,266 8.759,610 1,894,718 141,282 887,186 62,200 9,566,006 1864 8,642,218 8.960,836 2,054,669 129,978 889,779 66,801 10,177,475 1865 8,785,802 8,255,658 1,822,585 i::r,.'.HHi 484,267 27,095 9,485,152 1866 4.688,487 4,786,616 2,128,867 219,918 610,809 M His 18,829,692 1867 4.884.820 6^28822 2,062446 298086 688,816 48,118 12,552,489 1868 4.414.856 6,990,818 2,507,682 880,888 911,787 ii-NT'-'s 18,884,182 1869 4,748,909 6,068,869 1929,628 884,749 974,016 45,612 18,651,747 1870... 87,801,621 8,720.403 42,248,951 7,654,909 19,811,440 2,990,878 8,151,868 458,818 4,897,891 1,026,515 684,650 67,847 106,888,488 16,274,029 1871 5,124,780 6,481,171 2,249,866 481,828 1.218,096 14,965,501 Totals 87,601,909 78,808,841 42,806,793 4,121,848 8,685,909 219,981,040 CANALS BUILT EXCLUSIVELY THE TBAN8POBTATION OP OB CHIEFLY FOB ANTHBACITE. NAMES. Length In mile*. Cort. Schnylkill Navigation 103 43 60 64 103 77 45 151 12 $18,207,762 4,455,000 2,433.850 2,000,000 7,164,420 6,907,850 4,857.104 7,000,000 512,000 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Delaware Division Wyoming Vftllw ... Delaware and Hudson Union Susquehanna and Tide-water Pennsylvania Wicinisco Total 678 $47,587,476 CAPITAL INVESTED IN MINING AND TBAN8POBT- ING ANTHBACITE. Coal lands, 800,000 acres, at $260 per acre $75,000,000 Collieries. 487, average $100,000 each 48,700,000 Canals, 678 m., average cost $70,000 per mile. . . 47.000.000 Railroads, 2,290 m. single track, $56,000 pr. m. . . 128,000,000 Total $298,700,000 The New England anthracite field, embracing the Portsmouth basin in Rhode Island and its continuation, the Mansfield basin in Massachu- setts, is greater in area than all the Pennsyl- vania anthracite fields, but its value for com- | onercial purposes bears no comparison. The