Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/390

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384 BUCHAR1A BCCHARIA. See BOKHARA. !!l (Hi:/, Philippe Joseph Benjamin, a French physician and writer, born at Matagne, March 31, 1796, died at Kodez, Aug. 12, 1865. He was a violent opponent of the restoration of the Bourbons, was engaged in conspiracies against them, and in 1821 was instrumental in found- ing the French carbonari society, in imitation of that of Italy. A few weeks after the es- tablishment of this society in France, its lead- ers boasted that it had 200,000 members. The conspiracy was discovered, and many of those engaged in it were convicted and pun- ished with imprisonment. The judges disa- greeing in the case of Bnchez, he was set free, and immediately devoted himself to scien- tific studies, published a treatise on hygiene, and established the Journal des progres dm sciences et institutions medicales. He was also a contributor to a weekly periodical, Le pro- ducteur, which advocated the doctrines of St. Simon ; but when the pantheistic direction of the new doctrine became apparent, he sepa- rated himself from the school. After the rev- olution of 1830, he established L'fluropeen, a review, as the organ of his system, which he denominated Buchezism (1831-'2 ; 2d series, 1835-'8). In 1833 appeared his Introduction a la science de Vhixtoire, on science du developpe- ment de Phumanite, in which his philosophical views are elaborately presented. In concert with M. Eoux-Lavergne, he commenced in the same year the publication of the Histoire par- lementaire de la revolution francaise (40 vols. 8vo, 1833-'8). One of his most important works is the JEssai d'un traite complet de philosophie, au point de vue du catholicisme et du progres (3 vols. 8vo, 1839). The revolu- tion of February, 1848, threw him again into politics. He became deputy mayor of Paris under Marrast, was elected member of the national assembly from the department of the Seine, and called to the presidential chair. Not being reflected, he retired to private life, continued his literary and philosophical studies, and published his ffistoire de la formation de la nationalite francaise (2 vols. 16mo, 1859). BIJCHNER. I. Georg, a German poet, born at Goddelau, near Darmstadt, Oct. 17, 1813, died in Zurich, Feb. 19, 1837. He was obliged to leave the university of Giessen on account of his participation in the political disturbances of 1834, and resumed his studies at Strasburg. In 1836 he took his degree as doctor of phi- losophy at Zurich, and for a few months previous to his death lectured on comparative anatomy. His principal poetical work is Dan- ton's Tod (Frankfort, 1835). He also translated several of Victor Hugo's dramas. His posthu- mous writings were published in 1850. II. Frle- drleh Karl Christian Lonis, a German philosopher, brother of the preceding, born at Darmstadt, March 29, 1824. He studied at Darmstadt, Strasburg, Giessen (where he took his doctor's degree in 1848), Wurzburg (under Virchow), and Vienna. He practised as a physician in BUCIION his native place, and in 1854 became private teacher and assistant physician in the clinical school of Tubingen, which post he lost by the publication of Kraft und Staff (Frankfort-on- the-Main, 1855 ; 10th ed., 1869), in which he deals with the forces and phenomena of nature upon the principle that nothing beyond material forces is known to us. An English translation by T. Frederick Collingwood, under the title " Force and Matter," first published in 1855, has since passed through 12 editions. He afterward resumed his medical practice at Darmstadt. Among his other works are : Natur und Geist (1857; 2d ed., 1864); Physiologische Bilder (Leipsic, 1861) ; Aus Natur und Wissenschaft (1862), analyzing the system of Darwin, Schopenhauer, and others; Dai Alter des Menschengeschleehts (1864), a German version of Lyell's " Antiquity of Man ; " Seeks Vorle- sungen uber die Darwin'sche Theorie (1868) ; and Die Stellung des Mencken in der Natur, in der Vergangenheit, Oegenwart und Zukunft (3 parts, Leipsic, 1869-'70), published simul- taneously in German, English, French, and Italian (English by W. S. Dallas, " Man in the Past, Present, and Future," 1872). The car- dinal points of Biichner's philosophy are : the eternity of matter, the indestructibility of force, the universal co-existence of light and life, and the infinity of forms of being, both in time and space. In 1872-'3 he delivered lectures in the United States. III. Alexander, brother of the preceding, born at Darmstadt, Oct. 25, 1837. In 1852 he became private teacher at the uni- versity of Zurich, and since 1857 has been professor at Valenciennes and Caen, France. Among his works in German are : Geschichte der englischen Dichtkunst seit dem 13. Jahrhun- dert (2 vols., Darmstadt, 1855), and the novels Chatterton and Lord Byron's letzte Liebe (Leipsic, 1862-'3) ; and in French, a transla- tion of Jean Paul Richter's poetry, prepared jointly with Charles Leon Dumont (2 vols., Paris, 1862), and Les comedies de Shakespeare (Caen, 1864). IV. Lnise, sister of the preceding, born June 12, 1822. She has written poetry and novels, attended the Leipsic woman's rights convention in 1867, lectured on history in 1868, acted in 1869 as president of the Ber- lin woman's rights association, and established at Darmstadt, with the assistance of the prin- cess Alice of Hesse, a finishing school for poor girle. Her principal work, Die Frauen und ihr Beruf (Frankfort, 1855), has passed through several editions, and has been translated into English, Russian, and Dutch. In 1869 appeared her Praktische Versuche zur Losung der Frau- enfrage, and in 1870 she assisted in editing the Berlin monthly periodical, Der Frauenanwalt. BlICHOJV, Jean Alexandra, a French writer, born May 21, 1791, died in Paris, April 29, 1846. He began life as an anti-Bourbon jour- nalist, and his first work, a biography of Tasso, was seized by the government. He left France in 1821, lectured on dramatic art in England, and gathered in various parts of Europe ma-