Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume V.djvu/21

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157,036,316 Ibs.; in 1868, 145,935,724; in 1869, 110,456,626; and for the 11 months ending Nov. 30, 1870, 142,039,928. Great Britain is the principal market for the coffee produced in Ceylon, which ranks third as a coffee-producing country. In 1860, the amount imported from Ceylon into Great Britain was 63,244,900 Ibs., valued at 1,599,293; in 1868, 101,929,153 Ibs., valued at 2,986,479; in 1869, 95,103,970 Ibs., valued at $2,867,724; in 1870, 97,964,922 Ibs., valued at 2,790,898; and in 1871, 90,680,570 Ibs., valued at 2,623,263. The most extensive coffee-consuming countries are the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany. In the United States, according to the report of the chief of the bureau of commerce and navigation, the consumption for several years, ending June 30, has been as follows: Year. 1867 1868 1869 Pounds. Value. Year. Pounds. Value. 159,644,977 212,379,267 230,814,376 $17,805,087 22,815,816 22,779,574 1870 1871 1872 253,571,664 120,932,617 239,735,829 $25,630,715 29,428,894 26,140,339 The total amount of coffee imported into the United States for a series of years, with the value, is as follows: Year. Pounds. Value. Year. Pounds. Value. 1860 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 200,998,751 40,474,917 80,461,614 181,622.782 104,316,581 174,280,674 $21,768,939 4,767,117 10,395,860 16,621,586 10.966,541 19,739,381 1S67 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 187,236,580 248,983,900 254,160,993 235,256,574 817,992,048 298,805,946 $20,696,259 25,288,451 24,531,743 24,234,879 30,992,869 37,942,225 The chief countries whence coffee was imported into the United States in 1872 were: COUNTRIES. Pounds. Value. Brazil 194,218,511 $23 970 822 British East Indies 4 141 547 516 074 British West Indies Central American States Dutch East Indies 2,841,261 9,598,954 14 722 299 383,924 1,182,053 8 800 417 England 5,979,350 948,312 France . 7 695 324 1 175 003 Germany 3 093 489 476 572 Hayti 8,874,781 468 864 Holland 843243 154,180 Mexico 1 878 301 248022 Porto Eico 2 021,891 319 558 United States of Colombia Venezuela 4,142,067 28,183,607 498^696 3,604,496 The total amount of coffee imported into Great Britain for the year ending Dec. 31, 1871, was: FROM; Pounds. Computed real value. Brazil... 23066344 564,611 British India.. . 33 413 058 960923 Central America. . . 19,544,519 568,262 Ceylon 90 680,570 2,623,263 Other countries . . 25 288 289 677,452 Total... 191.992.780 5.394.511 The imports and the quantities retained for home consumption have been: YEARS. Import., Ibt, Value. Home Contamp lion, Ibs. 1865. 187 997 451 4 600 887 1866... 127044,816 4 O'J:$"< 80 680 236 1867 187 729 716 4W 7f,o 81 282 023 1868 173902477 4,858 101 80 35ft 81 ft 1869... 178416832 4 927 805 2ft 83Q 10A 1870 179'90l'864 4 '4'-' T0' 1871... 191 992 780 5894,511 80 602 028 1S72 166,269 052 5257403 81 178 565 The amount of coffee imported into France for home consumption was 104,268,255 Ibs. in 1867, 115,380,744 Ibs. in 1868, 110,996,852 Ibs. in 1869, and for the six months ending June 30, 1870, 59,913,571 Ibs. From 1789 to 1830 a duty of 2 cents per pound was imposed upon coffee imported into the United States. In the latter year this duty was removed, but again imposed in 1861. It varied from 3 to 5 cents per pound until July 1, 1872, when the importation of coffee was again made free. An infusion of roasted coffee contains three constituents which differ somewhat in their action. These are tannic acid, caffeine, and empyreumatic products of the albumen and legumine of the raw berry. Only a small portion of the caffeine is destroyed in the roasting, and that is mostly converted into methylamine. (See Caffeine.) Coffee increases the frequency of the pulse and activity of the mind, which is often so prolonged as to prevent sleep. Large doses produce palpitation of the neart, and habitual coffee drinkers are liable to have the digestion considerably impaired. In the absence of belladonna, it may be used as an antidote in cases of poisoning by opium, a strong infusion of the burnt berry being used and given in doses according to the symptoms. It is sometimes given to relieve vomiting, particularly of a nervous character. Koasted coffee neutralizes noxious odors, and is antiseptic in a mild degree. It is best applied by first drying and crushing the raw beans, and then roasting the powder at a moderate heat to a dark brown color, when it may be sprinkled about or simply exposed on a plate where the effluvium exists. It is often adulterated (see Adulteration, and Chichory), and this may be suspected when water is quickly colored by it, and the presence of chiccory or burnt sugar inferred. One of the readiest means of detecting foreign vegetable or animal matter is by using the microscope. Venetian red or native sesquioxide of iron may be detected in the ashes either by inspection or the application of chemical reagents.

COFFEE. I. A S.E. county of Georgia, bounded N. by the Ocmulgee river, S. W. by the Allapaha, and intersected by the Satilla and its branches; area, 1,000 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 3,192, of whom 678 were colored. The surface is level and sandy. The Macon and Brunswick railroad touches the 1ST. E. corner, and the Brunswick and Albany railroad passes through the S. part. The chief productions in 1870 were 49,022 bushels of Indian corn, 19,-