Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume V.djvu/739

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DEAF AND DUMB 735 proved French or manual system is employed ; most give more or less instruction in articula- tion, a special teacher being employed in some. Several of those lately established make artic- ulation a specialty, viz., those at Northamp- ton and Boston, the New York institution for improved instruction, and Whipple's private school. The controversy as to the relative value of the two systems was opened in 1844 by Horace Mann and Dr. S. G. Howe, and has been carried on ever since. It has occasioned numerous visits to and reports on the leading European schools. The most important re- ports are those by Lewis Weld (1844), the Rev. G. E. Day (1844 and 1859), H. P. Feet (1851), the Rev. E. Ryerson (1867), E. M. Gallaudet (1867), and Miss H. B. Rogers (1872). Both boys and girls are trained to habits of industry by assisting in household duties. Wherever the resources permit, instruction is given in mechanical arts. The following table gives statistics for the year 1872 : INSTITUTIONS FOE THE DEAF AND DUMB IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. NAME. LOCATION. Date of opening. PUPILS. TEACHEKS. TRADES. | 4

% & i i H 1 i 3 7 3 '{> 8 ! 3 1 2 3 1 2 6 8 1 'i 8 1 1 1 2 1 'a 2 'i 'i i I 8

i ] ! i 2

" 1 2 'i 'i 'i '2 i '2 American asylum Hartford Conn 1817 1818 1820 1823 1829 1830 1844 1845 1845 1S46 1846 1849 1851 1852 1852 1854 1855 1856 1857 1857 1858 1860 1860 1862 1862 1863 1867 1867 1867 186S 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1864 290 588 262 87 888 89 304 103 119 309 61 22 186 54 164 159 131 42 30 50 59 60 11 69 58 60 80 60 68 102 26 43 55 4 56 24 67 179 349 137 47 225 47 167 59 67 165 27 11 90 34 92 87 72 25 20 84 19 85 43 27 86 88 82 87 65 12 23 22 2 35 g 111 239 125 40 163 42 187 44 52 144 84 11 96 20 72 72 59 17 10 16 40 25 11 26 81 24 42 28 31 87 14 20 88 2 21 11 17 42 32 30 5 '9 S 25 8 3 U 4 5 25 14 5 '8 '5 ' 4 7 22 20 5 'i 7 10 1 9 6 20 17 30 14 6 22 T 14 8 9 1C 5 3 8 4 10 11 7 3 8 8 4 4 2 5 6 5 7 5 5 9 3 2 4 2 4 2 8 10 19 11

  • 8

7 8 8 7 4 rt 4 8 9 5 3 2 i 8 4 'i 1 3 1 .. 2 5 1 'i 2 1 8 i 11 3 14 6 '2 7 i 4 'i 2 2

  • i

i i i i 4 2 1 4 1 2 1 Cabinet m., shoe m., tailoring. Cabinet m., shoe m., tailoring, painting, glazing, gardening. Shoe making, tailoring. Gardening. Shoe m., printing, book bind'g. Cabinet m., shoe m., tailoring, printing in raised letters for the blind, book binding. Cabinet m., shoe m., tailoring. None. Shoe making. Cabinet m., wood turning, paint- ing, glazing, shoe m., print- ing, farming. Shoe making. Carpentering, shoe making. None. Printing. Cabinet making, shoe making. Cabinet making, shoe making. None. Not reported. None. Cabinet making, gardening. None. Cabinet m., shoe m., gardening. Dress making. None. Carpentering, gardening, cane work, dress making, knitting. Cooperage, farming. None. None. Shoe making, gardening. Shoe making. Printing. None. None. None. None. None. None. Cabinet m., shoe m., printing, book binding, farming. Gardening. Cabinet m., carpentering. Carpentering, gardening. New York institution Pennsylvania institution Kentucky u Ohio " Virginia Indiana " Tennessee school New York, N. Y.... Philadelphia, Pa Danville, Ky Columbus, Staunton, Va Indianapolis, Ind.... Knoxville, Tenn Raleigh, N. C Jacksonville, 111 Cave Spring, Ga Cedar Spring, 8. C. . . Fulton, Mo Baton Rouge, La. . . Delft van, Wis Flint, Mich North Carolina institution. . . . Illinois Georgia South Carolina " Missouri asylum Louisiana institution Wisconsin Michigan Iowa Council Bluffs, Iowa . Jackson, Miss Austin, Texas Washington. D. C.... Talladega, Ala Oakland Cal Mississippi Texas Columbia inst. (primary dep.) Alabama institution California " St. Bridget's inst. (Korn. Cath.) Kansas institution St. Louis, Mo Olathe, Kansas Buffalo N Y. St. Mary's asylum (Eom.Cath.) Minnesota institution Inst. for improved instruct'n. Clarke institution Faribault, Minn.. . . New York, N. Y.... Northampton, Mass. Little Eock, Ark.... Frederick City, Md.. Omaha, Neb Pittsburgh, Pa Boston Mass Arkansas " Maryland " Nebraska " Pittsburgh day school Boston " Whipple's home school West Virginia institution . . . Oregon " National deaf-mute college . . . Total in 36 institutions in the United States Mystic, Conn Eomney, West Va. . . Salem, Oregon Washington, D. C. . . 4340 ~75 2440 75 1900 378 277 i) 167 9 104 7235 3 .. Montreal R. C. inst., male " " " female... Halifax institution Montreal, Quebec . . . u u 1848 Halifax, Nova Scotia. Belleville, Ontario.. . . Montreal, Quebec . . . 1857 1870 1870 46 149 22 ~292 4632 80 97 18 220 2660 16 52 4 J* 1972 2 18 2 17 3!lf> 3 8 2 U 889 3 6 1 ~19 isr - 2 1 J! 107 1 _' (i 18 35 Ontario " Montreal Protestant inst Total in 4 institutions in Canada Total in 40 institutions Taking the average annual cost of each pupil as $325, the sum of $1,500,000 was expended in the education of the deaf and dumb in Ame- rica during the year 1872. The buildings are generally commodious and well planned ; those 252 VOL. v. 47 of the New York, Ohio, and California institu- tions are particularly fine, as will be those of the Washington college. The annual reports of the various institutions often contain matter of permanent value; a quarterly periodical, the