Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume VI.djvu/292

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284 DUBUISSON DUBUQUE ding Louis Philippe and his daughter, the queen of the Belgians. In 1850 two large pic- tures by Dubufe, representing the temptation and expulsion of Adam and Eve from para- dise, were extensively exhibited in the United States. II. Edonard, son of the preceding, born in Paris about 1818. He studied under his father and Paul Delaroche, and for some years followed successfully the sentimental style of his father's "Souvenirs" and "Ke- grets." Afterward he painted Scriptural sub- jects, but later, following the example of his father, he confined himself more to portrait painting. Among his most successful works are portraits of the empress Eugenie, Kosa Bonheur, and the members of the congress of Paris. Two paintings called " The Conscript's Departure " and " The Soldier's Eeturn," and a large painting of " The Prodigal Son," have been exhibited in the United States, and the last has been engraved. DUBUISSON, Paul Ulrleh, a French author, born in Laval in 1746, guillotined March 23, 1794. He went when young to Paris, and wrote for the stage with small success. He was one of the most jealous of auth'ors, and was accustomed to fill his prefaces with abuse of the contemporary writers who surpassed Mm, the actors who refused to flatter him, the journalists who jested at him, and the public who neglected him. He went to America, thence to Belgium, and returned to France a few years before the outbreak of 1789. He embraced the cause of the revolution with en- thusiasm, became associated with the Jacobin club, and having taken part in the schemes of Hebert, Konsin, and Anacharsis Olootz, he shared their fate. He published tragedies and comedies, Abrege de la, revolution des Stats d'Amerique (1778), and Lettres critiques et politiques sur les colonies et le commerce des villes maritimes de France (Paris, 1785). DUBUQUE. I. An E. county of Iowa, border- ing on Illinois and Wisconsin, bounded 1ST. E. by the Mississippi, and watered by the N. and S. forks of the Maquoketa ; area, 600 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 38,969. It is hilly and well tim- bered, with a fertile soil. Limestone underlies the greater part of the surface. It is very rich in lead, and about 100 mines are in operation throughout the year, while in the winter three times that number are worked. The chief productions in 1870 were 495,244 bushels of wheat, 1,311,789 of Indian corn, 834,320 of oats, 75,739 of barley, 163,881 of potatoes, 37,393 tons of hay, 437,149 Ibs. of butter, and 31,384 of wool. There were 8,425 horses, 10,434 milch cows, 15,034 other cattle, 9,682 sheep, and 37,232 swine. II. The chief city of Iowa in population, capital of the county, situated on the right bank of the Mississippi, directly opposite the boundary of Illinois and Wiscon- sin, and 460 m. by river above St. Louis pop in 1850, 3,108; in 1860, 13,000; in 1870, 18,- 434, of whom 6,524 were foreigners in 1873 22,151. The city is built partly on a terrace 20 ft. above high-water mark, and partly on the bluffs, which rise about 200 ft. The lower or business portion is regularly laid out and compactly built, while in the upper portion the streets rise picturesquely one above another. The United States building, accommodating the custom house, post office, and federal courts and officials for the northern district of Iowa, is of marble, three stories high, and cost over $200,000. The central market building, a three-story brick edifice, surmounted by a cu- pola, serves both for market purposes and city offices and council chamber; the third story consists of a single room, 45 by 145 ft., known as the city hall. Three of the ward school houses are each 52 by 80 ft., three stories high, with a basement, and wings on either side, 10 by 30 ft., and cost $25,000 each. The fourth ward school house is 70 by 50 ft., two stories high, with a basement and a large hall, and cost $18,000. The Methodist Episcopal, one of the Presbyterian, the Universalist, the Con- gregational, and St. Mary's (German Catholic) churches, and the cathedral, are imposing struc- tures, the three last being surmounted by lofty spires. The Dubuque and Sioux City, the Du- buque Southwestern, the Chicago, Dubuque, and Minnesota, the Chicago, Clinton, and Du- buque, and the Illinois Central railroads furnish means of communication to all parts. The city was made a port of delivery in 1854. In 1872 there were 62 vessels, with an aggregate ton- nage of 3,606, belonging to the port, of which 17 of 1,517 tons were steamers, and 45 of 2,089 tons canal boats. Dubuque is the com- mercial centre of the great lead region of Iowa, K W. IHinois, and S. W. Wisconsin. From 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 Ibs. of lead, worth from $500,000 to $1,000,000, are ship- ped annually. Some of the mines are within the city limits, and the best within a few miles of it. Extensive warehouses have been erected on the levee, and large elevators for the grain trade. There are 3 national banks, with an aggregate capital of $500,000, and 3 savings institutions, with $350,000 capital. In 1870 Dubuque county contained 297 manufacturing establishments, chiefly in the city, employing 1,780 hands; capital invested, $1,636,775; annual value of products, $3,308,399. The most important were 5 manufactories of agri- cultural implements, 14 of carriages and wag- ons, 15 of clothing, 6 of furniture, 2 of iron castings, 1 of japanned ware, 1 of bar and sheet lead, 2 of pig lead, 1 of shot, 2 of engines and boilers, 4 of sash, doors, and blinds, 3 of soap and candles, 9 of tin, copper, and sheet- iron ware, 1 of tobacco and snuff, 4 planing mills, 6 saw mills, 14 breweries, 2 distilleries, and 16 flour mills. The machine shops of the Chicago, Dubuque, and Minnesota railroad, situated here, are among the most extensive in the west. Dubuque is divided into five wards, and is governed by a mayor and a board of two aldermen from each ward, to- gether constituting the common council. There