Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume VII.djvu/490

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478 FREMONT aration of the report of these expeditions, he became acquainted with Miss Jessie Benton, a daughter of Col. Thomas H. Benton, at that time a senator from Missouri. An engagement was formed, but as the lady was only 15 years of age, her parents objected to the match, and suddenly, probably through the potent influ- ence of Col. Benton, the young officer received from the war department a peremptory order to make an examination of the river Des Moines on the western frontier. The survey was rapidly executed, and shortly after his return from this duty the lovers were secretly mar- ried, Oct. 19, 1841. In the following year Fremont projected a geographical survey of the entire territory of the United States from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean. He applied to the war department for employment on this service, and received instructions to explore the Rocky mountains, and particularly to examine the South pass. He left Washington May 2, 1842, and accomplished his task successfully in the course of four months, having carefully ex- amined the South pass, and explored the Wind River mountains, ascending their highest point, since known as Fremont's peak (13,570 ft.). His report of the expedition was laid before congress in the winter of 1842-' 3, and attract- ed great attention both at home and abroad. Immediately after its' publication Fremont planned a second expedition, much more com- prehensive than the first. He determined to extend his explorations across the continent, t and to survey the then unknown region lying between the Rocky mountains and the Pacific ocean. In May, 1843, he commenced his jour- ney with 39 men, and on Sept. 6, after travel- ling more than 1,700 miles, came in sight of the Great Salt lake, of which no accurate ac- count had ever been given, and of which very vague and erroneous notions were entertained. His investigations effected important rectifica- tions in our geographical knowledge of this portion of the continent, and had subsequently a powerful influence in promoting the settle- ment of Utah and of the Pacific states. From the Great Salt lake he proceeded to the upper tributaries of the Columbia, whose valley he descended till he reached Fort Vancouver, near the mouth of that river. On Nov. 10 he set out on his return to the states. He selected a S. E. route, leading from the lower part of the Columbia to the upper Colorado, through an almost unknown region, crossed by high and rugged mountain chains. He soon encountered deep snows, which forced him to descend into the great basin, and presently found himself in the depth of winter in a desert, with the pros- pect of death to his whole party from cold and hunger. By astronomical observation he found that he was in the latitude of the bay of San Francisco, but between him and the valleys of California was a range of mountains covered with snows which the Indians declared no man could cross, and over which no reward could induce them to attempt to guide him. Fremont undertook the passage without a guide,, and ac- complished it in 40 days, reaching Sutter's Fort on the Sacramento early in March, with his men reduced almost to skeletons, and with only 33 out of 67 horses and mules remaining. He resumed his journey March 24, and proceed- ing southward, skirted the western base of the Sierra Nevada, crossed that range through a gap, entered the great basin, and again visited the Salt lake, from which through the South pass he returned to Kansas in July, 1844, after an absence of 14 months. The reports of this expedition occupied in their preparation the remainder of 1844. Fremont was brevetted captain in January, 1845, and in the spring of that year he set out on a third expedition to ex- plore the great basin and the maritime region of Oregon and California. The summer was spent in examining the head waters of the rivers whose source is in the dividing ridge between the Pacific and the Mississippi valley, and in October he encamped on the shores of the Great Salt lake. Thence he proceeded to explore the Sierra Nevada, which he crossed again in the dead of winter with a few men to obtain supplies from California for his party, with whom he made his way into the valley of the San Joaquin, where he left his men to recruit, and went himself to Monterey, which was at that time the capital of California, to obtain from the Mexican authorities per- mission to proceed with his exploration. This was granted, but was almost immediately re- voked, and Fremont was peremptorily ordered to leave the country without delay. He as peremptorily refused to comply. The Mex- ican governor, Gen. Castro, mustered the forces of the province and prepared to attack the Americans, who were only 62 in number. Fre- mont took up a strong position on the Hawk's peak, a mountain 30 m. from Monterey, built a rude fort of felled trees, hoisted the American flag, and, having plenty of ammunition, re- solved to defend himself. The Mexican gene- ral formed a camp with a large force in the plain immediately below the position held by the Americans, whom he hourly threatened to attack. On the evening of the fourth day of the siege Fremont withdrew with his party and proceeded toward the San Joaquin. The fires were still burning in his deserted camp when a messenger arrived from Gen. Castro to pro- pose a cessation of hostilities. Without further molestation Fremont pursued his way north- ward through the valley of the Sacramento into Oregon. Near Tlamath lake, on May 9, 1846, he met a party in search of him with despatches from Washington, directing him to watch over the interests of the United States in California, there being reason to apprehend that the province would be transferred to Great Britain, and also that Gen. Castro intended to destroy the American settlements on the Sacra- mento. Fremont promptly retraced his steps to California. Gen. Castro was already march- ing against the settlements. The settlers rose