ORANGE 665 in Florida," by J. H. Fowler, was published in 1873 at Jacksonville, Fla. The standard Euro- pean works are Traite du genus citrus, by Gal- lesio (Savona, 1818), and Histoire naturelle des Grangers, by Risso and Poitean. This most elegant work, with over 100 beautifully colored engravings, was originally issued at Paris in 1818, and within a few years has been repub- lished under the editorship of the distinguished arboriculturist Du Breuil. ORANGE, the name of counties in seven of the United States. I. An E. county of Ver- mont, bordering on the Connecticut river, and watered by various small streams ; area, about 650 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 23,090. It has an uneven surface, and the eastern range of the Green mountains crosses the N. W. part; the soil is moderately fertile. It contains great quantities of iron ore and granite and some lead ore. The Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers railroad traverses the eastern margin, and the Vermont Central crosses the S. W. cor- ner. The chief productions in 1870 were 51,- 952 bushels of wheat, 174,261 of Indian corn, 316,148 of oats, 76,826 of buckwheat, 490,715 of potatoes, 1,062,104 Ibs. of butter, 105,285 of cheese, 498,749 of wool, 816,921 of maple sugar, and 86,544 tons of hay. There were 5,778 horses, 10,661 milch cows, 3,912 working oxen, 9,634 other cattle, 77,816 sheep, and 3,366 swine; 10 manufactories of agricultural implements, 12 of carriages and wagons, 3 of paper, 12 of saddlery and harness, 3 of wool- len goods, 10 flour mills, and 19 saw mills. Capital, Chelsea. II. A S. E. county of New York, bordered S. W. by New Jersey and E. by the Hudson river, and drained by the Wall- kill and Shawangunk rivers; area, 838 sq. m.; pop. in 1870,80,902. The Shawangunk mountains cross the N. W. corner, and a range of precipitous heights, having an eleva- tion of from 1,000 to 1,500 ft. and known as the Highlands, are toward the S. E. on the Hudson river. The remainder of the surface is chiefly rolling upland. It is noted for its excellent grazing and fine dairy produce, near- ly half the improved land being in pasture. The Erie railway and its Newburgh and other branches pass through it. The chief produc- tions in 1870 were 103,196 bushels of wheat, 66,625 of rye, 459,343 of Indian corn, 412,652 of oats, 28,335 of buckwheat, 324,732 of pota- toes, 1,403,409 Ibs. of butter, and 119,265 tons of hay. There were 10,498 horses, 43,830 milch cows, 7,859 other cattle, 6,980 sheep, and 13,323 swine; 48 manufactories of car- riages and wagons, 11 of cheese, 14 of furni- ture, 8 of castings and 4 of pig iron, ,11 of tanned and 11 of curried leather, 11 of ma- chinery, 27 of saddlery and harness, 5 of sash, doors, and blinds, 30 of tin, copper, and sheet- iron ware, 9 of woollen goods, 14 distilleries, 5 saw mills, and 25 flour mills. Capitals, New- burgh and Goshen. III. A N. E. county of Virginia, bounded N. W. by the Rapidan and drained by branches of the North Anna river ; area, about 250 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 10,396, of whom 5,458 were colored. Its surface is somewhat hilly, and the soil generally fertile. The county is traversed by the Washington City, Virginia Midland, and Great Southern railroad. The chief productions in 1870 were 117,576 bushels of wheat, 185,604 of Indian corn, 83,286 of oats, 58,938 Ibs. of butter, and 46,460 of tobacco. There were 1,942 horses, 1,791 milch cows, 2,673 other cattle, 3,372 sheep, and 5,553 swine. Capital, Orange Court House. IV. A N. county of North Carolina, watered by the head waters of the Neuse and several small streams; area, about 700 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 17,507, of whom 6,420 were colored. It has an undulating sur- face and fertile soil. The North Carolina rail- road intersects it. The chief productions in 1870 were 89,023 bushels of wheat, 193,161 of Indian corn, 92,061 of oats, 18,157 of Irish and 18,559 of sweet potatoes, 179,995 Ibs. of but- ter, 530,442 of tobacco, and 383 bales of cot- ton. There were 2,006 horses, 3,216 milch cows, 3,404 other cattle, 7,171 sheep, and 14,- 618 swine. Capital, Hillsborough. V. A cen- tral county of the peninsula of Florida, bound- ed E. by the St. John's river ; area, 2,450 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 2,195, of whom 198 were colored. It has a level surface, covered with extensive pine forests and savannas, with many small lakes and swamps interspersed. The chief productions in 1870 were 16,213 bushels of Indian corn, 18,490 of sweet potatoes, 306 bales of cotton, and 4,856 gallons of molasses. There were 254 horses, 3,962 milch cows, 10,827 other cattle, and 3,693 swine. Capital, Or- lando. VI. A S. E. county of Texas, separated from Louisiana on the east by the Sabine river and bounded S. and W. by the Neches, which meets the former at Sabine lake on the S. E. corner; area, 350 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, .1,255, of whom 250 were colored. It has a nearly level surface, about half of which is covered by a heavy growth of timber, principally pine and cypress, and a portion is wet land well adapted to the cultivation of rice. The chief productions in 1870 were 8,720 bushels of In- dian corn, 5,995 of sweet potatoes, and 67 bales of cotton. There were 504 horses, 725 milch cows, 3,157 other cattle, 782 sheep, and 631 swine. Capital, Orange. VII. A S. county of Indiana, watered by Lost river and Patoka creek ; area, about 400 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 13,497. The S. part is hilly, and the N. undu- lating. The uplands are heavily timbered, and the river bottoms very fertile. The Louisville, New Albany, and Chicago railroad intersects the N. E. corner. The chief productions in 1870 were 156,622 bushels of wheat, 498,740 of Indian corn, 145,600 of oats, 25,532 of po- tatoes, 25,050 Ibs. of tobacco, 45,495 of wool, 245,381 of butter, and 3,904 tons of hay. There were 4,798 horses, 3,724 milch cows, 6,645 other cattle, 17,390 sheep, and 25,164 swine; 7 manufactories of hones and whet- stones, 1 of marble and stone work, 3 of sad-
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