TREBIZOND 853 >ut 8 m. from the frontier of Montenegro, id 15 m. N. E. of Ragusa; pop. less than ),000. A Roman Catholic bishop resides here, id there are several churches and mosques. It is defended by a square fort with four tow- Trebigne and its vicinity were the theatre war with the Turks during the insurrection )f 1875-'6. Under the early kings of Servia it of much greater importance. TREBIZOXD. I. A vilayet of Asiatic Tur- cey, extending, in a generally narrow strip 'rom 20 to 80 m. wide, about 360 m. along the coast of the Black sea, between Ion. 35 40 ; id 42 E., bounded N". E. by the Russian livision of Transcaucasia, E. by Erzerum, S. Erzerum and Sivas, and W. by Kastamuni ; rea, about 15,000 sq. m. ; pop. estimated at tO, 000. The scenery on the coast is remark- )ly beautiful. The mountains rise immediate- from the sea to the height of from 6,000 to ,000 ft. in the east (in single peaks much higher), and nearly 5,000 ft. in the west, and are clothed with every variety of vegetation from grass to dense forests. The country is generally well wooded and mountainous, and has but little arable land. The principal rivers are the Tchoruk, which enters the sea near the E. frontier, and the Yeshil Irmak and Kizil Irmak, the lower courses of which drain the W. part of the province. The climate is temperate but variable, being subject to cold winds from the Black sea, bearing rain and fog. The province 13 decidedly healthful. There are numerous fertile valleys and well cultivated tracts, but the country does not produce sufficient grain for home consump- tion. The inhabitants are described as bold and hardy. In many districts they are isolated cot- tagers, there being few villages. There are 56,- 000 Christians in the province, of whom two thirds belong to the Greek church, and the rest are Armenians. The chief towns, besides the Trebizond. capital, are Tireboli (anc. Tripoli*), Keresun (Cerasua), Rizah (RMzus), Batum (Bathys), and Samsun. The vilayet embraces the main parts of ancient Pontus, extending both E. and W. beyond its limits. II. A city (anc. Trape- zus capital of the vilayet, sometimes called Tarabazan, on the S. E. shore of the Black sea, in lat. 41 1' K, Ion. 39 45' E., 560 m. due E. of Constantinople ; pop. about 40,000. It is the first Turkish commercial port on the Black sea, and the entrepot of an extensive trade with the interior provinces and Per- sia. A peninsula separates the harbor into two ports, of which the eastern affords shelter and anchorage for the largest vessels. There is a lighthouse here and another at Platana, a roadstead about 6 m. W. of Trebizond. Four steamship lines connect the city with the prin- cipal ports of Turkey and southern Russia. Grain, from Russia and the Danube, is the chief article of import ; the exports produced in the province itself include flax, nuts, but- ter, beans, linseed, fruits, tobacco, rice, wine, olive oil, fish oil, beeswax, and timber. The overland trade with Persia is valued at more than $6,500,000 per annum, and gives em- ployment to 60,000 pack horses, 6,000 asses, 2,000 camels, and 3,000 oxen. Tobacco, silk, raisins, and carpets are exported from Persia for shipment at Trebizond, whence are im- ported cotton and woollen goods, tea, sugar, glass ware, hardware, and European manufac- tured goods of many kinds. The inland traffic with Anatolia, on the west, represents a value of more than $2,500,000 ; the exports through Trebizond comprising grain, potatoes, fruits, skins, wax, honey, and chestnuts. The city consists of an old and a new town, the former surrounded by walls and towers enclosing the citadel, which stands upon the flat top of a steep rock. The modern town is mainly with- out these walls on the E. side. Trebizond is well paved and drained, but the houses gen- erally are neither commodious nor comfort- able. There are 40 mosques, 18 Mohamme- dan schools, and 16 churches, of which 9 are Greek, 4 Armenian, 1 Catholic Armenian, 1 Latin, and 1 Presbyterian. Trapezus was
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