Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XVI.djvu/238

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218 TJPOLU "Principles of the Interior or Hidden Life' (12mo, Few York, 1848); "Life of Faith' (1848) ; " Treatise on Divine Union" (Boston, 1851); "Religious Maxims" (Philadelphia, 1854); "Life of Madame Catharine Adorna" (Boston, 1856) ; " Life and Eeligious Opinions of Madame Guyon, together with some Account of the Personal History and Religious Expe- rience of Archbishop Fenelon " (2 vols. 12mo, New York, 1847) ; and "A Method of Prayer, an Analysis of the Work so entitled by Madame de la Mothe Guyon" (1859). Besides these, he wrote " Manual of Peace" (8vo, New York, 1836) ; " Outlines of Imperfect and Disordered Mental Action" (18mo, 1840); "American Cottage Life, a Series of Poems" (16mo, Port- land, 1852); "Letters, ^Esthetic, Social, and Moral, written from Europe, Egypt, and Pa- lestine" (8vo, Philadelphia, 1857; new ed., 1865) ; and one of the essays on a congress of nations (8vo, Boston, 1840). UPOLU. See SAMOAN ISLANDS. UPSAL, or UpsaUu I. A Ian or district of Swe- den, in Svealand, bordering on the gulf of Bothnia, Stockholm, Lake Mlar, Westman- land, and Gefleborg; area, 2,015 sq. m. ; pop. in 1874, 102,629. The sea coast extends about 20 m., and has several small indentations and the large bay of Loftsa. The surface consists of undulating plains, and there are several lakes ; the soil is fertile in the south, and the scenery beautiful, but much of the north is bar- ren and bleak. Iron ore is extensively worked, that of Dannemora being the best. Sufficient grain is raised for local consumption, and cat- tle are largely exported. II. A city, capital of the Ian, on the Fyris or Sala, near its junc- tion with the Skol, 40 m. N. N. W. of Stock- holm; pop. in 1873, 12,138. It is in the largest and most fertile plain of central Sweden, and contains fine new buildings and parks. The archbishop of Upsal is primate of all Swe- den. The Gothic cathedral, commenced in the latter part of the 13th century and finished in 1435, is the most celebrated of the coun- try, though not improved by the restorations which it has undergone since the damage in- flicted by the great conflagration of 1702. Among its relics are those of St. Eric in a sil- ver shrine, the monument of Gustavus Vasa and John II., and many other tombs and monu- ments in the various chapels, including that of Linnseus. Trinity church in the Odin Lund park, near the cathedral, is a much older build- ing. In the same locality is an obelisk erected in honor of Gustavus Adolphus for his rich endowment of the university. This institution was founded by Sten Stur6 in 1477. In 1875 it had 1,480 students (855 in philosophy, 332 in theology, 151 in medicine, and 142 in law), with 31 professors and 68 other teachers. New university buildings are projected, the foun- dation stone to be laid on the fourth centen- nial of its foundation (1877). The university library, dating from 1621, is now in a hand- some building adjoining the Carolina park, and UPSON contains 150,000 volumes and 8,000 manu- scripts, including the Codex Argenteu* of Ul- filas, the most complete copy in Europe of the old Icelandic Edda, the holy book of the Druses, and a Bible with commentations by Luther and Melanchthon. Connected with the university are large numismatic and mineralogical col- lections, a botanic garden (near the house of Linnsaus) with a museum, and an observatory. Upsal has a gymnasium and other schools, and the Gustavian academy and other learned in- stitutions. The greatest business activity oc- curs in February, when the ancient annual market is held. There is much railway and steamboat traffic with Stockholm. About 3 m. N. is the village of Gamla Upsala (Old Upsal), the traditional capital of Odin. No vestiges remain of the temple and the sacred grove devoted to his worship, though there are nu- merous tumuli, of great archaaological interest, and considered among the largest N. of the Alps. New excavations have recently been undertaken. In the vicinity of Upsal is the Mora meadow with the Mora stones, renowned from the practice in ancient times of electing the kings here, lifting them upon a large stone in the centre, and engraving the name of each new king, with the date of his election, on a newly deposited stone. UPSHCR. I. A N. central county of "West Virginia, bounded E. by the Middle fork of the Monongahela river, and intersected by the Buckhannon ; area, about 500 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 8,023, of whom 172 were colored. The surface is rolling and in some parts hilly. The soil of the valleys is good. The chief produc- tions in 1870 were 29,958 bushels of wheat, 6,055 of rye, 108,494 of Indian corn, 21,422 of oats, 11,448 of potatoes, 11,190 Ibs. of tobacco, 21,857 of wool, 127,158 of butter, and 7,283 tons of hay. There were 2,039 horses, 2,329 milch cows, 4,561 other cattle, 8,000 sheep, and 3,361 swine. Capital, Buckhannon. II. A N. E. county of Texas, bounded 8. by Sabine river; area, 945 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 12,089, of whom 4,867 were colored. The surface is nearly level and well timbered, and the soil fertile. The chief productions in 1870 were 326,681 bushels of Indian corn, 8,053 of oats, 40,806 of sweet potatoes, 51,816 Ibs. of butter, 1,129 of wool, and 7,362 bales of cotton. There were 2,703 horses, 4,247 milch cows, 8,516 other cattle, 2,262 sheep, and 23,615 swine. Capital, Gilmer. ITSON, a W. county of Georgia, bounded S. W. by Flint river; area, 884 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 9,430, of whom 4,565 were colored. The surface is hilly and the soil generally fertile. The Upson County railroad terminates at the county seat. The chief productions in 1870 were 26,594 bushels of wheat, 168,164 of Indian corn, 9,166 of oats, 17,186 of sweet potatoes, 22,695 Ibs. of butter, 5,188 of wool, and 4,835 jales of cotton. There were 510 horses, 1,047 mules and asses, 1,238 milch cows, 2,641 other cattle, 1,193 sheep, and 7,558 swine; 2 manu-