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conception of, 352-354; intergradations of, 242; material, stability of, 340; means of interpretation of, 352-354; Mongoloid-Red peoples, contributions to, 362-363; most advanced in area of intense agriculture, 19; origin, theories of, 342-354; periods, in Eastern United States, 276; Plains, 206-209; possibility of transpositions of, 336; seafaring, 43; sequences in, 275; subdivisions of, South Atlantic area, 248-250; subdivisions of, Atlantic Highlands, 267; subdivisions, Colombia, 264; subdivisions, Ecuador, 265; succession of in Chile, 266; term defined, 350; time required for development of, 317; trait-association, 350-352; traits, correlation with faunal and floral distributions, 338; traits, originality of many New World, 356; traits, patterns for, 344; traits, South American, 230; traits, similarities in, 342; types of Southwestern area, 224; unity of, in California archæology, 259; typical, North Atlantic area, 245-248; unity in fundamentals, New World, 202, 356; unity of original Pueblo, 257; varieties in Inca area, 231-232
Cycle, annual, tribes in salmon area, 15; religious, Maya, 181; yearly, ceremonial, 190, 200; yearly, in social life, 153
Cymotrichi, found in Polynesian-European group, 312
Dancing Birds, distribution of story, 196
Day and night, origin of, as told in myths, 195
Decoration, architectural, North Pacific Coast, 110; coiled baskets, 80-81; Columbia pottery, 264; Marajo Island pottery, 267; Peruvian pottery, 93; pottery, 75, 81; pottery and baskets, 76, 77
Decorations, North Pacific Coast baskets, 89; painted on bark and wood, 94; on pottery by glaze, 71-72
Deluge concept, distribution, 199
Descent, common, Mongoloid, and New World peoples, 298; morphological grouping of mankind based on, 298; skin color indicating common with Asiatic peoples, 299
Deserted Children, distribution of story, 196
Design areas, North America, 80; ceramic, an index to chronology, 76; elements, Plains beadwork, 85; geometric, range of, 76; names, 95, 96, 97; unity of concepts, Peruvian pottery and cloth, 93
Designs, alligator and armadillo, 91; Algonkin pottery, 79; analysis of, 95; analytic comparison of, 84; Apache baskets, 82; basketry and beadwork, 95; basketry, California center, 79; beaded and painted, Plains, 82; cane basketry, 89, 94; caribou and eastern maize area, 84; Chilkat blankets, 88-89; decorative, 76-99; distribution of, 79-95; Inca textiles, 92; influenced by technique of basketry and weaving, 77; Navajo blankets, 81; Northwest Amazon, 94; painted on pottery, 91, 93; Peruvian, series of, 92; Plains and California, independent origin of, 84; Plains-like, Déné shields, 219; pottery, 75, 78; realism in, 77, 79; Shoshoni beadwork and basketry, 84; symbolism in, 95-98; Southwestern pottery, 81-83; textile, 76-79, 90, 91, 93-94; on urns, from Chile, 267
Diaguite, 266
Dialects, language, defined, 281