Page:The American Quarterly Register, Volume 6, 1834.djvu/143

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Essex County North.

[Col. Ebenezer Hale, Newbury, Tr.]

Andover, fr. Ladies and Gent, of So. Parish, by Amos Blanchard, Esq. 163 00

Bradford, fr. Fem. Char. Soc. in the Acad. by Miss Mary Fisher, Sec. 15 00

Byfield, fr. Rev. I. R. Barbour, a collection made by Mrs. Barbour 19 25

East Bradford, fr. Ladies Ed. Soc. by Mrs. Tabitha Balch, Tr. 6 50

From Gents. Ed. Soc. Mr. Nathaniel Ladd, Tr. 8 50—15 00

Newburyport, fr. Miss Webster and Miss ———, by Dea. Jewett of Rowley 5 12

Fr. Circle of Industry, 8th sem. ann. payt. for the Newburyport Ladies 1st Temp. Schol. by Miss Mary C. Greenleaf, Tr. 37 50—42 62

Newbury, fr. Mr. Saml. Newman, ann. subs. 5 00

Rowley, fr. Ladies Ed. Soc. 1st Par. by Miss Mehitable Hobson, Tr. 10 35

West Newbury, fr. Ladies Ed. Soc. 2d Parish, by Rev. Mr. Edgell 13 44

Fr. 2d Parish, a Thanksgiving coll. by Rev. Mr. Edgell 15 34—28 78—299 00

Franklin County.

[Sylvanus Maxwell, Esq. Charlemont, Tr.]

Sunderland, fr. Elisha Rowe, executor of the Will of Frederic A. Graves, deceased, his legacy 30 00

Hampshire County.

[Hon. Lewis Strong, Northampton, Tr.]

Amherst, fr. the sewing Circle, by Miss Hannah Shepard, Tr. 15 00

Northampton, fr. Fem. Ed. Soc. by Mrs. Adams, Tr. bal. of inter, on Spencer Schol. for 1833 43 99

Interest on the same for 1834 30 26

Fr. Young Ladies Benev. Soc. by Miss E. Butler, bal. of 7 years interest on the Williams Temp. Schol. 237 00—311 25

South Hadley, fr. Ladies Benev. Soc. by Mrs. Daniel H. Lamb, Tr. 26 00

Worthington, fr. Hon. E. Starkweather, 2 00

Fr. do. thro' the " Hampshire Christian Depository" by D. S. Whitney 5 00 7 00

Fr. the disposable Fund of the Hamp. Ed. Soc. 27 75—387 00

Hampden County.

[Thomas Bond, Esq. Springfield, Tr.]

Longmeadow, fr. 1st Parish, by Rev. J. L. Condit, thro' Rev. G. W. Blagden 25 00

Middlesex County.

[Mr. Eliab P. Mackintire, Charlestown, Tr.]

Framingham, fr. Mr. Patton Johnson, local Agt. by Mr. C. Morse 10 00

Groton, fr. the estate of Miss Mary Simonds late of Groton, by Rev. John Todd, appointed by the Will of said deceased to distribute her estate 100 00

Hopkinton, fr. Ladies, by Miss Irene Ellis thro' Mr. Dan. Eames 3 75

Fr. Mr. Daniel Eames 5 00—8 75

Newton, fr. a Friend 30 00

Fr. a Friend, by Rev. Lyman Gilbert 10 00

Fr. 1st Parish, in addition to a contribution rec'd. some time since 79—40 79

Stoneham, fr. Ladies Ed. Soc. by Miss Mary Richardson, in part for Life Membership of Rev. Jonas Colburn 21 00

Waltham, fr. Trinitarian church and cong. by Rev. S. Harding 35 00

Woburn, avails of work in Ward No. 5, by Mrs. E. D. Richardson 7 56

Fr. Mrs. James Hill, a donation 1 00

Fr. Mr. Rupert Peirce $6. Dea. U. Manning $2 8 00

Fr. Rev. Joseph Bennet 2 00—18 56

Collection at ann. meeting Cambridgeport, including $11 50 contributed by Ladies in Brighton, to const. their pastor, Rev. William A Jams, a L. M. of Co. Soc. 21 50—255

Norfolk County.

[Rev. John Codman, D. D. Dorchester, Tr.]

Brookline, avails of a charity box $7.

Do. of a small cherry tree $3 10 00

Fr. a Friend, 5 00—15 00

Stoughton, fr. Dea. Samuel Tolman 5 00—20 00

Old Colony.

[Col. Seabury. Tr.]

Dartmouth, fr. Individuals in Rev. Mr. Richmond's Soc. 6 25

Fairhaven, fr. individ. in Rev. Mr. Gould's Soc. 16 25

Fr. Fem. Ed. Soc 15 50-31 75—

Middleboro', fr. Individ. In Rev. Mr. Eaton's Society 81 25

New Bedford, 1st Soc. fr. Rev. P. G. Seabury 5 00

Fr. individuals 8 50

North Soc. fr. individuals 58 50

Trinitarian Soc. from individuals 25 00—97 00—166 35

[Rec'd. thro' Rev. J. D. Farnsworth, Agt.]

Plymouth County.

[Dea. Morton Eddy, Bridgewater, Tr.]

Carver, fr Soc. of Rev. Plummer Chose 5 00

North Bridgewater, fr. Mark Perkins 4 00

Plympton, fr. Soc. of Rev. Elijah Dexter 6 00

Rochester, Mattepoisett Village, fr. Rev. Thos. Robbing, a contribution in his Soc. 9 00

Collected at the anniversary 13 10—37 10

Religious Char. Soc. of Middlesex North and Vicinity.

[Dea. Jonathan S. Adams, Groton, Tr.]

Fitchburg, fr. a Fem. friend in Rev. Mr. Albro's Parish 1 00

Fr. Fem. Ed. Soc. by Miss Sarah Wood, Tr. through Mr. Alpheus Kimball 27 36—28 26

Worcester South.

[Hon. Abijah Bigelow, Worcester, Tr.]

Paxton, Legacy of Miss Patty Brown, by Mr. Jonathan P. Grosvenor, executor 20 00

Fr. Rev. Mr. Winch, a coll. in his Soc. 7 50—27 50

West Brookfield, fr. the cong. of Rev. Francis Horton 40 00—67 50

Worcester North.

[Dea. Justus Ellingwood, Hubbardston, Tr.]

Boylston, fr. cong. of Rev. William H. Sanford, to const. him a L. M. of A. E. S. 40 00

Princeton, fr. Fem. Ed. Soc. by Mrs. Nancy Harrington, Tr. 10 00

West Boylston, fr. Fem. Reading and Char. Soc. by Miss Adeline Flagg, Tr. 9 85—59 85

Whole amount rec'd for present use $3,990 44


Additional sum fr. the estate of Oliver D. Cooke, Esq. 180 00

Hon. Benjamin Tallmadge of Litchfield, Ct. has given to the Society, one half of a Tract of land in Coventry, Portage Co. Ohio, lying near the Erie Canal, containing about 700 acres,—estimated value of the one half 1,050 dollars.


Refunded by a former beneficiary 30 00

Annuity, S. Thurston, Rev. Mr. Tenney 4 00

Augusta, Donation 400 00

Mercer, Young Ladies sewing circle 2 62

Norridgewock, by Rev. Mr. Peet, donation fr. W. Diusmore, 1 00. S. Page 1 00

Subscription at Conference of Churches, 1831 5 67

Contribution at do. 1833 26 05—33 72

Portland, from a Lady 3 00

Contribution at annual meeting 102 31—105 31

[The following by Rev. Thomas Boutelle, Agent.]

Aina, donation, of which $40 is to const. Rev. Enos Merrill, a L. M. of A. E. S. 45 00

Bath, from William Richardson, Esq. to const. himself a L. M. of A. E. S. 100 00

Fr. individuals 39 00

Boothbay, from individuals 21 40

Bristol, from individuals 13 50

Brunswick, from Ladies 16 50

Fr. individuals, Temp. Schol. in part 44 00

Edgecomb, from individuals 20 22

Contribution at annual meeting of Lincoln Co. Aux. Ed. Society 29 09

Gardiner, fr. R. H. Gardiner 5 00

Gorham, Donation, of which $40 is to const. Rev. Thaddeus Pomeroy, a L. M. of A. E. S. 47 00

Madison, fr. members of Congregational Church 7 00

Mercer, a contribution 2 44

New Gloucester, fr. members of Congregational Church 15 75

New Sharon, a contribution 6 58

Newcastle, fr. individuals 7 66

Phippsburg, fr. individ. of which $25 is to const. Rev. John Boynton, a L. M. of Maiue Branch 30 00

Sacarappa, a contribution 5 00

Fr. Noah Nason 1 00

Fr. Major Daniel Peirce 2 00

Fr. Archelans Lewis, Esq. 10 00—18 00

Standish, from two individuals 2 00

Topsham, fr. individuals, of which $25 is to constitute Rev. Mr. Hawes, a L. M. of Maine Branch 85 42

Vassalboro', fr. a Lady 5 00