Page:The American Review Volume 06.djvu/689

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of France, 93 — Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed, Military Secretary of Washington, 155 — Emerson's Potms, 197 — Fresh Gleanings, by the author of "Notes by the Road,"-208— Davies' Course of Mathematics, 209 — Ranke's History of the Popes, (G. F. Houghton,) 347— Men, Women, and Books, Essays by Leigh Hunt, (G. W. Peck,) 399— Lord Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 415 — Review of Lessing in the Edin- burgh Review, Oct., 1S45, (Y. A. Tell- kampf,) 497 — Howitt's Homes and Haunts of British Poets, 516 — Catawba River and other Poems, The Months, Sketches of Life and Landscape, in Ten Poems, 524. Rutledge, John, a sketch of his life, part first, 125 — Revolutionary Incidents con- nected with the History of South Caro- lina, 12S — Characteristic Anecdotes of Rutledge, 134 — Letter to Lawrence, 13G — Part'Second, 277— Early History of South Carolina continued, 27S — Unpub- lished Correspondence of Rutledge, 279 — His appointment Chief-Justice of the United States, 291. S. Salmon, The, (C. Lanman,) 490. Shakspeare's Sonnets, (H. W. Barrett,) 304. Silliman's Journal, notice of, SI. Sivori, Camillo, 5-50. Sleep, Ode to, 17. Smith, Hon. Jeremiah, his Biography re- viewed, 40 — Sketch of his Life, 48 — His political career, 49 — His appoint- ment Chief-Justice of New Hampshire, 50 — His Historical Collection, 52. Some New Poets, Catawba River, by J. S. Kidney, The Months, by W. C. Hosmer, Life and Landscape, by R. Hoyt, review, 524. Sonnet, 429. Suicide, (Dr. S.H.Dickson,) 137— Its Statis- tics, 141 — Its modes, lb. — Its causes, 142 — Curious Anecdotes, 143. The Thousand and One Nights, review, (G. W. Peck,) 601. U. Una, verse, 202. Union of the Whigs of the whole Union, by a Southern Whig, 514. Ulalume, a Ballad, 599. V. Valley of the Lakes, (R. W. Ilaskins,) 400 — Us grand scenery, ib,— History of Western exploratiorl, 467 — Battles of the Lakes, 40S — Geological characteris- tics of the Valley, ib. — Erie Canal, 469 — Canals in the West, Ship Canal around the Sault de Ste. Marie, 471— Statistics of Trade, 473 — Future political import- ance, 474. Violin, The, (G. W. Peck,) 619. W. Was it Well .' verse, 173. Whigs, The, and the War, (Hon.D. D. Bar- nard,) 331 — Unanimity of opinion in the party respecting the origin of the War, ib. — G(;neral disgust towards it, 332 — What must be the course of the Whigs ? ib. — Brief review of the course of the Administration, Conquest its object, 330 — Doings in California, 337 — " Manifest Destiny," 33S — Admissions of the official organ, 339 — Why we have not had peace, 340 — Mexican Government, a proposition to secure peace, 342 — Plans of the Ad- ministration, 343— Duty of the Whigs to endeavor to bring the War to a just con- clusion, ib — If they vote supplies next session it should be with a restriction to prevent the Executive from using them for the dismemberment of Mex- ico, ib. — Mr. Webster's Resolution at the last Session, 345 — I he Whigs not in favor of any extension of Territory to be divided into new States ib., — Mr, Webster's Speech on the Three Million Bill indicates the true course of policy, wisdom and duty, 346. Word to the Wise, 553. Yorick, Philip, Life and Opinions of, a Tale, Chapters XXIV. and XXV., 59— Chapters XXVI., XXVII I., XXI II., ISO— XXV1II.,XXIX.291—X-XX., XXXI. ,400.