Page:The American improved family physician, or home doctor.djvu/9

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I draw the attention of the people in general to the Reformation of Curatives, both Medical and Hydropathical, or rather prevention of disease, which is better than cure. I here mean to take up the system of Hygiene, or preserving health.

This subject is one of the greatest importance of any subject taken into view. What is a man with an ever failing health? And what is a man with a never-failing health? My friends I ask you all, what is better and of more value than good health? Thanks to the Lord I say that we are so much enlightened at present, as to have the knowledge of keeping in good health, principally, if we wish to live according to the laws of nature. I beg all men that have not yet learned how to preserve health, to take the subject into view and study it. For the Lord has made all things natural. He not only asks man to study the Bible, but learn all good things, and do them, and leave the evil. Also the Lord has created the world and all therein, and has pronounced it good; and why, if he has pronounced it good, shall we pronouce it bad? Also, the Lord has made man and woman, and directed them what to do; but did they do it, do we do it at present? No! we eat daily of that forbidden fruit, and we even do not know it. Therefore now is the time to learn, how to live to keep principally in good health. For as sure as we eat of this forbidden fruit, so surely we shall and will be sick. Some people are praying daily for good health? Reflect a moment and see whether it is not a sin to pray for good health if we don't live according to the laws of nature? We oftentimes destroy our health by nothing but what enters the mouth, both in eating and drinking. Can a man think it righteous, in destroying his good health which the Lord has given him; or, is it that man shall eat and drink such food as will destroy his vital powers, and impair his constitution? No! Sir, every man must try and learn his share and do it too, or else he will be damned both naturally and spiritually. For we cannot make a better comparison, than the following: The mouth is the tempter or Satan itself, for why does a man eat such food that he knows will injure his health? Because this very tempter—the mouth indulges in it, for the person oftentimes feels he has enough, but still he is tempted to eat more. On the contrary, we cannot make a better comparison than to