Already conscience is in arms against me,Chides my delay, and points me out the tomb. Grief is a cowardly, lazy, trifling thing; 'Twill be too slow an executioner; I'll have recourse to the decisive steel; Or the dear zone shall be my instrument, Which left it's hold, and could not bear to see The horrid exit of it's gentle master. It stayed behind him to revenge his fate, And give my rigour it's just retribution. Unhappy zone of more unhappy swain! Grudge not awhile to be in my possession; For I will keep thee but to vindicate The wrongs I've done to thy departed owner. 'Twas certainly my duty to have been The kind companion of his earthly state; But since profanely I've despised that duty, Í go to seek him in the future world: I conquer the timidity of woman; I sacrifice my life to injured love; Perhaps that offering may propitiate Heaven,