With a most amicable veneration For the remains of our departed friend; But on condition that thou thinkest not Of dying, when his obsequies are over.
SYLVIA. I've hitherto lived only to myself, To gratify my supercilious temper: But the few moments I have yet remaining, Devoutly will I dedicate to him; Those marks of love I'll show Amyntas dead, Which I would never give his graceful person, When animated with it's tender soul. But a short period I assign my life; Soon after I've inhumed my lover's body, Mine by the nymphs and swains shall be interred. Amyntas' grave shall be made large enough To hold the corpse of each; we have, in life, Been, by my folly, kept too much asunder; Then let us in the tomb repose together. Pray, shepherd, show me where my lover lies.