'Tis very true; but that precipitation,
Although it had death's most tremendous aspect,
Hath proved the prelude to his life, and joy.
This moment he reclines on Sylvia's bosom,
As tender now as she before was cruel,
And with fond kisses meets her falling tears.
To Sylvia's father now my steps I'm bending,
The old Montanus; him I go to bring,
That he may witness this impassioned scene.
For, his consent obtained, the happy pair
Will forthwith ratify their virtuous love;
O'er them his hallowed torch will Hymen wave.
'Tis very true; but that precipitation,
Although it had death's most tremendous aspect,
Hath proved the prelude to his life, and joy.
This moment he reclines on Sylvia's bosom,
As tender now as she before was cruel,
And with fond kisses meets her falling tears.
To Sylvia's father now my steps I'm bending,
The old Montanus; him I go to bring,
That he may witness this impassioned scene.
For, his consent obtained, the happy pair
Will forthwith ratify their virtuous love;
O'er them his hallowed torch will Hymen wave.
The strongest arguments perswade this marriage;
In age, in disposition, and in manners,
Equal they are, and equal in their love.
The good Montanus too wishes to see
His life extended in his numerous race;
The strongest arguments perswade this marriage;
In age, in disposition, and in manners,
Equal they are, and equal in their love.
The good Montanus too wishes to see
His life extended in his numerous race;
A bloom-