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The Anatomy of Tobacco

reverence and awe; for is it not the very tubulus philosophorum Germanicorum—the pipe of German philosophers? Have I not with mine own eyes seen the mighty Spitsbubius in his study holding such a pipe in his hand, and filling it from a mighty jar beside him? Is not the pipe used by the gigantic Dummerkopfius in the compilation of his Noctes Nebulosæ at this present moment to be seen in the Museum of Berlin? And doth it not hold two ounces at the least? Yea, verily it doth, and is a pipe to rejoice the heart of Νεφεληγερέτα Ζεύς himself. Happy is he who, possessing such an instrument, fashions his life and conversation agreeably to the same.

Next cometh the long wooden pipe, which, though not hallowed by the names of mighty men, is nathless much to be lauded for its coolness to the mouth and adaptability to the hand. Consisting wholly of wood, it is hard to be broken, in this respect being superior to the churchwarden. Also it hath commonly a large and rotund bowl, pleasing to the