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The Anatomy of Tobacco

clares it to be so; for that is but saying, "It is so because it is so." Neither use long words such as "unity" and "duality," for they are but one and two in Roman togas. Neither talk of experience, and endeavour to explain the mystery by telling me that "twice one are two" because twice one shilling is two shillings. For there was a time when there were neither shillings, nor denarii, nor drachmas—nay, nor men to possess them, nor a world for men to dwell in; yet, then as now, it might have been written in space, "Twice one are two."

This being all that I shall write concerning smoking in the place where you are not, I will next treat of that kind of smoking more commonly practised—namely, in the place where you are. And the different divisions of place where I have exhibited in the form of a "tree," partly after that known as "Arbor Porphyriana," but differing from it as to matter.

By this synopsis we perceive that place where is capable of two main divisions—