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The Anatomy of Tobacco

sea he will (provided the loch be proximate to the open sea) be smoking in as composite a manner as is possible. For let him, though sitting on the floor of the boat-house, dip his legs into the water, and at the same moment he will be partly indoors and partly in the open air, partly on the land and partly on water, partly on the sea, partly on a river, and partly on a lake. So much for hypæthral or open-air smoking. Next for the anæthral or indoor smoking, for all general purposes it is sufficient to say that it always implies the being in a room, the which is further subdivided into possible positions in that room. Of these I most commend smoking in bed, but do advise that the pipe smoked be a long one, and would caution the reader to have all things necessary for smoking to hand, for the jumping out of bed to get a light is plainly contrary to sound reason. And if any one should require a demonstration of this let him read the Great Morals of Aristotle, who leaveth no doubt whatever on the subject. And as by a careful