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The Anatomy of Tobacco

"loco" would tempt the fool to jest, and seeing that I forbear thou mayest conclude what thou pleasest, but beware of an illicit process.) But since you must either smoke in the place where you are or in the place where you are not, and it is plain that you are not smoking in the place where you are not (for you are in the carriage, ship, or boat), therefore it is clear that you are smoking where you are. But yet, I allow, there is a certain difference between smoking in that which moves and that which moves not, so I will meet the objectors half-way and term such smoking smoking in space. But this again must be carefully distinguished from smoking in or out of a balloon (in the air), for in this later case your body is wholly disconnected from the earth, whereas the carriage rests upon wheels, the wheels upon rails, and the rails upon the earth.

Now as to the question whether it is good to smoke at games, I reply that in all games requiring an application of the mind it is good, as tending to increase